AustinRuadhain Member


  • @Katmary71 - I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. @@ninyagwa - Sending you sympathetic thoughts regarding the challenges of being a mom and still taking care of yourself. @laurelfit57 - Oh, my, Ty looks adorable on the stairs! Those eyes! That pink puppy tongue! Wednesday Checkin 🟢 Tiny Habit: Kitchen…
  • @Jactop - Hurray for staying level this week! @Veta2018 - I am so glad you found Benny! It was nice that your husband went to have the *(hard?) conversation with the girl planning to keep him. Did you get in your workout this morning? A big thank you for your comment about making salads fun! I am inspired. Yes, I need to…
  • Tuesday Plan 🟢 Tiny Habit: Kitchen pushup 🟢 Floors: 5 🟡 Eat a salad & steamed greens - compromised on a vegetable smoothie, as it was quick 🟢 Outdoor walk (with husband? even a black walk would be a win on Tuesday) 🟢 Track all my food and check out at day's end 🟢 Think about a new Tiny Habit to focus on - I picked chair…
  • Monday: 🟢 Tiny Habit: Kitchen pushup I did 3! 🟢 Floors: I hit my 5! 🟢 Eat a salad! 🟢 Eat steamed greens 🟡 45 minutes exercise - I got in some movement, but won't do the 45 min. Instead, I prepped for tomorrow and am going to get some sleep. If all goes well, I will get in a longer session tomorrow. 🟢 Track all my food and…
  • @Katmary71 A spring challenge would be fun. Something about spring cleaning and getting outdoors? Hmm! :) And would a Tiny Habits thing be fun at some point? I have been doing that. Maybe after the spring thing? WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU LOVE NOW THAT YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE IMAGINED YOU'D LIKE IN THE FUTURE? Salads! Today, I had…
  • Monday Weigh-in AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW: 209.7 CW: 210.6 :( I am sorry to have let the team down this week. Last week (spring break stuff) got away from me. Ah, well, Back at it! With @19shmoo69's great post right above me, here I am posting an in-the-red weigh-in. As he says, this is a long game! On the plus side, I…
  • Monday Weigh-in AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW: 211.4 CW: 209.7 A big hurray to having done damage control this week. We ate out twice, and I was definitely making the best of things, rather than eating optimally.
  • Spring break has meant spending time with my son this week -- woohoo! Tonight, we have dinner with him and his girlfriend, then he's back to school and life here gets back to normal. :-( Saturday Plan ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables & fruits ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 5 sets (12+) - I have done 3 so far ⚪ Steps: 6,000 ⚪…
  • @TeresaW2024: Yes to the time change disorientation! It's always odd. @Katmary71 - The juice spill sounds maddening. You acted fast, so hopefully the white snowflake sheets will be fine. I hope the rest is helping and that you are starting to feel a bit better. @laurelfit57 - Hurray to the writing everything down!…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:213.4 CW: 211.4 O am going to work really gard this week, and hope to change that second digit soon!
  • Happy Saturday! I am going to check in really quick before I head out to see my kiddo. He is off at college, but near enough we can visit, and we are going to get together this afternoon. So I will come back later to do more catch-up. Saturday Plan ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables (big steamed greens, big salad), limited fruits…
  • @laurelfit57 "our pets do keep us entertained don't they?" Oh, my, yes! I am making something with string this evening (a gadget for middle schoolers to experiment with the Doppler effect, of all things). It involves a string, and I am so delighting my kitten! @KatMary71 - Ha! You are so perceptive. I do do well when I am…
  • @txcritter69 - Thank you! Enjoy your trip. Inks Lake State Park is such a nice place! And I love that you may take the scale!
  • Hello, all! @19shmoo69 - Yes, protein bars are a mixed bag! I don't normally eat them except as a very occasional treat, and am back to whole foods now the trip is done. I did read the label carefully and chose carefully. @AmbersWay - I am glad you like the chart! Colored circles work really well for me. @micaroo4 - Hurray…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:214.9 CW: 213.4
  • How Saturday Went I was travelling, so I was all about damage control. My biggest victory was going up and down the hotel stairs to get in steps and exercise. I ate a little off plan, but nothing disastrous. I did still fit in fruit and veggies. I am home and back at it. Sunday Plan ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables & fruits ⚪…
  • Hi there! I think I caught up on the reading. Hopefully I didn't lose any notes as I went. It was great catching up on this group's checkins. It's so inspiring! @Jactop - 🥳 Welcome back! @Katmary71 - Hurray for all the great work rehabilitating your gums! That is wonderful! And good for you for getting a good new…
  • Hello, Austin here. What @TeresaW2024 said applies to me as well! I was once a long-time member, but I let life get in my way. I dropped out and, in the process, gained some of my lost weight back. And all there is to do is -- get back to work! So here I am! This is month 2 of that renewed focus, and I am seeing…
  • @ninyagwa - Welcome to Slimpossibles! I hope this group is a great source of support and structure for you! Ice Breaker Thursday Coffee, Tea or.........? All of the above! I like both coffee and tea. For me, coffee in the morning and herbal tea the rest of the day. I have a stack of tea boxes in my pantry, including…
  • @trooworld - Thanks for the shoutout! I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. I so, so get being overwhelmed by too long a list. You are doing so, so much. @Katmary71 - Oh, yay! The BeeGees video looks like great fun. I just made myself a scoreboard for Self Care Bingo. Woohoo! The charity work sounds…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:217.8 CW: 214.9 Submitting with big thanks to @Katmary71 and the spreadsheet team. You guys are wonderful.
  • Good afternoon! Yesterday I was running around and camping, so I did not post a plan. I did have a good day as regards food and steps, so happy about that! The pictures that @trooworld posted reminded me to say that I saw some camels on Saturday. I was driving past a ranch in central Texas, and there they were, about 20…
  • Good morning 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables 🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets 🔴 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk 🔴 Steps: 7,000 🟢 Floors: 5 Not a total fail, but I am looking forward to moving more today! Friday plans ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables ⚪ GtG…
  • Ice breaker question Thursday!!! The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team? My husband and my son and my son's girlfriend? My husband's my best friend and he's an Eagle Scout. We are a great team. My son is smart and me makes me laugh, and same for his girlfriend. This just 3 thing is…
  • Good morning 🟡 Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables - drank the ginger lemonade I had in the fridge, which put me high on sugars; will not buy another of those! 🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I only did 2 🟢 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk 🟢 Steps: 7,000 over 11,500! 🟢 Floors: 5 ⚪…
  • Good morning 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables 🟡 GtG Pushups - did 1 set 🟡 Movement - yes to movement, but did not get that outdoor walk in! 🟡 Steps: 6,500 - did 6408 - close! 🟢 Floors: 5 Wednesday plans ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I think I…
  • Checking in on Monday: 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables - 🟢 GtG Pushups 🟡 Movement - I did assorted indoor things but we didn't do the outdoor walk 🟢 Steps: 6,500 🟢 Floors: 5 Tuesday plan ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on vegetables ⚪ GtG Pushups (3 sets) ⚪ Movement (evening walk with husband) ⚪ Steps: 6,500 ⚪…
  • Checking in on Sunday: 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables 🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I think I just did 2 🟢 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk I did get that walk in! I have my husband asking me about a daily walk now! 🟡 Steps: 8,000 8K was a stretch. I did hit 6483 (plus some I missed as…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:220.2 CW: 217.8
  • @Katmary71 nudged me to share thoughts about the idea of getting just a little bit better, day by day. James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) has my all-time favorite picture of why it works to focus on getting a little bit better. It's the same principle as why you want to start saving, even just a bit, when you are young…