AustinRuadhain Member


  • Monday Weigh-in AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW: 209.7 CW: 210.6 :( I am sorry to have let the team down this week. Last week (spring break stuff) got away from me. Ah, well, Back at it! With @19shmoo69's great post right above me, here I am posting an in-the-red weigh-in. As he says, this is a long game! On the plus side, I…
  • Monday Weigh-in AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW: 211.4 CW: 209.7 A big hurray to having done damage control this week. We ate out twice, and I was definitely making the best of things, rather than eating optimally.
  • Spring break has meant spending time with my son this week -- woohoo! Tonight, we have dinner with him and his girlfriend, then he's back to school and life here gets back to normal. :-( Saturday Plan ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables & fruits ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 5 sets (12+) - I have done 3 so far ⚪ Steps: 6,000 ⚪…
  • @TeresaW2024: Yes to the time change disorientation! It's always odd. @Katmary71 - The juice spill sounds maddening. You acted fast, so hopefully the white snowflake sheets will be fine. I hope the rest is helping and that you are starting to feel a bit better. @laurelfit57 - Hurray to the writing everything down!…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:213.4 CW: 211.4 O am going to work really gard this week, and hope to change that second digit soon!
  • Happy Saturday! I am going to check in really quick before I head out to see my kiddo. He is off at college, but near enough we can visit, and we are going to get together this afternoon. So I will come back later to do more catch-up. Saturday Plan ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables (big steamed greens, big salad), limited fruits…
  • @laurelfit57 "our pets do keep us entertained don't they?" Oh, my, yes! I am making something with string this evening (a gadget for middle schoolers to experiment with the Doppler effect, of all things). It involves a string, and I am so delighting my kitten! @KatMary71 - Ha! You are so perceptive. I do do well when I am…
  • @txcritter69 - Thank you! Enjoy your trip. Inks Lake State Park is such a nice place! And I love that you may take the scale!
  • Hello, all! @19shmoo69 - Yes, protein bars are a mixed bag! I don't normally eat them except as a very occasional treat, and am back to whole foods now the trip is done. I did read the label carefully and chose carefully. @AmbersWay - I am glad you like the chart! Colored circles work really well for me. @micaroo4 - Hurray…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:214.9 CW: 213.4
  • How Saturday Went I was travelling, so I was all about damage control. My biggest victory was going up and down the hotel stairs to get in steps and exercise. I ate a little off plan, but nothing disastrous. I did still fit in fruit and veggies. I am home and back at it. Sunday Plan ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables & fruits ⚪…
  • Hi there! I think I caught up on the reading. Hopefully I didn't lose any notes as I went. It was great catching up on this group's checkins. It's so inspiring! @Jactop - 🥳 Welcome back! @Katmary71 - Hurray for all the great work rehabilitating your gums! That is wonderful! And good for you for getting a good new…
  • Hello, Austin here. What @TeresaW2024 said applies to me as well! I was once a long-time member, but I let life get in my way. I dropped out and, in the process, gained some of my lost weight back. And all there is to do is -- get back to work! So here I am! This is month 2 of that renewed focus, and I am seeing…
  • @ninyagwa - Welcome to Slimpossibles! I hope this group is a great source of support and structure for you! Ice Breaker Thursday Coffee, Tea or.........? All of the above! I like both coffee and tea. For me, coffee in the morning and herbal tea the rest of the day. I have a stack of tea boxes in my pantry, including…
  • @trooworld - Thanks for the shoutout! I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. I so, so get being overwhelmed by too long a list. You are doing so, so much. @Katmary71 - Oh, yay! The BeeGees video looks like great fun. I just made myself a scoreboard for Self Care Bingo. Woohoo! The charity work sounds…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:217.8 CW: 214.9 Submitting with big thanks to @Katmary71 and the spreadsheet team. You guys are wonderful.
  • Good afternoon! Yesterday I was running around and camping, so I did not post a plan. I did have a good day as regards food and steps, so happy about that! The pictures that @trooworld posted reminded me to say that I saw some camels on Saturday. I was driving past a ranch in central Texas, and there they were, about 20…
  • Good morning 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables 🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets 🔴 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk 🔴 Steps: 7,000 🟢 Floors: 5 Not a total fail, but I am looking forward to moving more today! Friday plans ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables ⚪ GtG…
  • Ice breaker question Thursday!!! The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team? My husband and my son and my son's girlfriend? My husband's my best friend and he's an Eagle Scout. We are a great team. My son is smart and me makes me laugh, and same for his girlfriend. This just 3 thing is…
  • Good morning 🟡 Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables - drank the ginger lemonade I had in the fridge, which put me high on sugars; will not buy another of those! 🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I only did 2 🟢 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk 🟢 Steps: 7,000 over 11,500! 🟢 Floors: 5 ⚪…
  • Good morning 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables 🟡 GtG Pushups - did 1 set 🟡 Movement - yes to movement, but did not get that outdoor walk in! 🟡 Steps: 6,500 - did 6408 - close! 🟢 Floors: 5 Wednesday plans ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on fresh/frozen vegetables ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I think I…
  • Checking in on Monday: 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables - 🟢 GtG Pushups 🟡 Movement - I did assorted indoor things but we didn't do the outdoor walk 🟢 Steps: 6,500 🟢 Floors: 5 Tuesday plan ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on vegetables ⚪ GtG Pushups (3 sets) ⚪ Movement (evening walk with husband) ⚪ Steps: 6,500 ⚪…
  • Checking in on Sunday: 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables 🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+) I think I just did 2 🟢 Movement: 45 min including an outside walk I did get that walk in! I have my husband asking me about a daily walk now! 🟡 Steps: 8,000 8K was a stretch. I did hit 6483 (plus some I missed as…
  • Monday Weigh-In AustinRuadhain SW 223.1 PW:220.2 CW: 217.8
  • @Katmary71 nudged me to share thoughts about the idea of getting just a little bit better, day by day. James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) has my all-time favorite picture of why it works to focus on getting a little bit better. It's the same principle as why you want to start saving, even just a bit, when you are young…
  • Checking in on yesterday: 🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables 🟢 Fifteen for Fitness Challenge 🟢 GtG Pushups -- did a couple; more would be better, but I am happy I did some! 🟢 Movement: about 45 min of focused movement -- 15 minutes of walking downtown and a 25-minute stair stepping session in the evening 🟢 Steps:…
  • @Cornanda - Sending a hug. I so get the frustration. To all the brilliant things @micaroo4 said, I can only add -- salt? That makes my weight jump. Anyway, keep an eye on the things you are doing and watch for the patterns, to see if you can find what adjustments you want to make. Keep on doing! @trooworld - Yes, I have…
  • Valentines Check-in I hereby brag that I stayed reasonable on Valentine's! I got in 15 minutes of movement and didn't torch my food plan, so WIN! Thursday Goals Yes, it's late, but there's daylight left so plenty of time to improve! Today's plans ⚪ Food on plan with a focus in veggies - so far, so good! 🟢 Fifteen for…
  • Checking in on yesterday: 🟢 Food on plan with a focus in veggies, starting with a green smoothie this morning. 🟢 Fifteen for Fitness Challenge 🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 4 sets (12+) 🟡 Movement: 45 min walk - did 31 minutes, and didn't make it back out for a second walk 🟢 Steps: 6,000 - exceeded goal with 8900 steps!…
  • @sleepygirl79 -- Hang in there! It is oh, so human, to get disappointed with results, get upset, and give up! I am so, SO familiar! YAY, you, for getting back in the game after just a week! Tracking food can be a challenge, so forgive yourself and get back at it, if you miss some meals. Adding some fruit and veggies, and…