knunez2395 Member


  • Breakfast this AM 2 fried eggs in avocado oil Spinach dressed with lemon and olive oil salt and red Chilli pepper flakes Half an avocado with Everything But The Bagel seasoning and red chili pepper flakes Drink - David’s tea echinacea shield
  • One of my strategies is trying to make my own desserts with natural sweetness. But unfortunately I caved with discovering a new bakery and ate these scones that really interrupted my progress. When my sugar intake is high I go through bouts of hunger and then eating more and then headaches. It’s a whole cycle that doesn’t…
  • Hi, my name is Katherine. I feel like for the past few weeks I've struggled with my diet and haven't been able to control sugar cravings. Hope to stay motivated with joining. Thanks :)
  • I've been obsessed with protein smoothies lately which I've always been adverse to when it came to working out, but I think they have helped me tremendously in maintaining and building muscle and burning fat. Although lately I've been trying to use less superfood powders and using more real superfoods. But Ive been loving…