Magalisteph Member


  • I used to use measuring cups but now I started weighing it with a kitchen scale. I stopped drinking anything that is not green tea, oolong tea or water I don't add anything to them and they are 0 calories
  • The fat I'm eating is from meat, I'm not adding unnecessary fat especially since I'm afraid of over doing it, but I seam to be eating more protein than fat.... I do eat a little cheese every now and then. No I'm not eating just chicken breast and tuna!
  • Hi! I'm logging everything before I eat it and I'm not over eating, I'm actually having a hard time reaching my daily calories of 1200 most days I'm under that and I don't eat back the calories I get from exercise
  • Yea I used a keto calculator, my macros are carbs 10% Fat 70% Protein 20% Yes I'm measuring everything How do I add you? I don't know how to do that!