I currently see an allergist. Ive had allergy testing done twice over a period of time. One,being a few days ago. They said I do indeed have oral,allergy syndrome along with hives with an unknown trigger. Btw everyone reacts to an,allergy differently. My face swelling up,twice its size when I eat foods that were pollinated…
Thats a wonderful idea. Thank you
It never messed with ny weight. It made my anxiety skyrocket though. I coukdnt stay on for longer than a month
That does sound cheesy but I might try it
I wish I could keep them out of the house. Its usually sweets and mindless eating. My parebts are type 1 diabetic so we always have sweet stuff around. Its usually from 8 pm to 2 am
Yes. The analog scale is the old one that no one particularly uses anymore
My analog scale says I haven't gained weight