bethypoobah Member


  • I started WW prior to the Smartpoints and lost weight rapidly. Then came SmartPoints and I struggled. They were very carb unfriendly (carbs=more points in food). When Freestyle rolled out, I couldn't do it. I have difficulty understanding how beans are FREE foods. They also decreased daily points based on the FREE foods. I…
  • I just joined JC. So far I have found the food to be delicious but it is expensive. Very expensive.
  • I recently quit WW because of Freestyle. In 2+ years of doing WW it was the third program they had. Initially I was down 45lbs. I struggled with Smartpoints but kept off 30lbs. Freestyle was too challenging for me.
  • I too feel like it is a money making scam. I wonder what they will come up with next. I can't believe in 2+ years it has changed three times.
  • I lost on WW many years ago and gained it back. In late 2015 I joined and lost weight and felt great. Then they changed to smartpoints which I felt was very carb unfriendly. I tried my best to continue but it was difficult. Then came Freestyle which cut down my points but allowed me to eat "free" foods. I just couldn't do…