zkpayan Member


  • I have found that this app is almost useless unless you take advantage of the support features it has. Send friend request to people who you see on message boards. Post about when you have had a struggle or a set back Post about your victories. Encourage people to keep going and they will encourage you. You don't have to…
  • Are you weighing yourself around the same time if the day. That can also impact things, weight can fluctuate up to 3lbs in one day!!
  • I use the community features to add as many friends as possible. When I see that there are other people working towards a similar goal or I can see what they are doing to succeed it makes me want to do more. It's like surrounding yourself with people who just want the same thing as you!
  • Pheonix Arizona, USA ❤️🌵
  • I've noticed, for myself, that when I try to eliminate or drastically reduce any one part of my diet I'm usually unsuccessful. I get frustrated and give up. But when I don't think of foods as what I can or can't eat and count my calories using macronutrient guidelines I'm WAAAYYY more successful and see results!
  • I totally understand what you are saying but I'm the type of person where if I don't set a goal I know I will just be spinning my wheels. For me personally, having a time frame or a specific objective to be working towards is more helpful. I know I might not make it to 30 lbs weight loss in 3 months, but that's okay with…