evilsmudge Member


  • you should not be offended by the truth..as long as you dont use it in a vindictive or nasty way. people get offended so easy these days...the body exeptance movment was for people ie burn victims or birth deformitys who had no control, the fat exeptance moved in and should not be teaching obesity is healthy..
  • 72 hours is harsh lol, but technically around the time the body goes in starvation mode.
  • drink water and lots of it. hunger comes in waves but your body will adapt over time be-aware if you feed it every 2 hours it will expect to be fed every 2 hours. the harsh truth is unless your going long periods (16-72 hours) without food your not really hungry. hope this helps
  • the harsh truth. for motivation is done by yourself if you love cheeseburgers and chips, beer and pies its going to be harder to go on a weight loss program/ routine without giving up, it takes time. start with small steps for a change of lifestyle (cutting out different fatty foods on a weekly basis etc) if you struggle…
  • for weight training i log half or less, the cardio calories that would be calculated over the same workout time (depending on intensity rest between sets etc) hope that makes sense. edit... it can also depend on your goals weight gain or loss.