Hi, Orange addiction can move beyond the theoretical to reality, but just know the MFP community is here to support you on your journey and offer encouragement. It is a very useful app, so, welcome and best of luck on reaching your fitness goals.
Continue investing, which everyone should be doing ...
Hi, sometimes having accountabilty partners can help if your approach to fitness and weight loss are similar, that way you are on a similar wavelength. Not to strict or loose with the meal planning, since we know life can get in the way. Fortunately the major holidays are over with all the accompanying food temptations and…
One suppliment i dont see on here is those for joint repair. Just like your muscles your joints take a beating and need to be maintained and repaired. As you get older you will be happy you took preventative steps.
The study I am referring to is the following: Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security. Excerpt: "Surov’s hamsters are just the latest animals to suffer from reproductive disorders after consuming GMOs. In 2005, Irina Ermakova, also with the…
No, Commercial sale of genetically modified foods began in 1994, when Calgene first marketed its unsuccessful Flavr Savr delayed-ripening tomato. Please site your sources that GMO crops have been growing for "millennia"?
The must be a "conspiracy" website also since the published an article about a study, jointly conducted by The Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security. Here is a excerpt: "Surov’s hamsters are just the latest animals to suffer from…
I would absolutely not eat this lab grown meat or anything gmo if all possible. What people fail to understand is how these engineered foods can affect and irreparibly harm the genetics of you during your life and generations after you. For example GMO soy in rat studies has shown decreasing fertility each generation until…
New to app looking for friends to share ideas and tips. Feel free to add me.
I agree with Diannethegeek. For me using the portion size on packages works well when logging data and is precise. If you are guessing much of the time accuracy will go down and make your targets more difficult to hit.
Hi, I just started also. This is my second week. It really makes you focus on what you eat and how that affects your goals. Sharing success tips always helps too.
Learn to deflect negative comments with a smile.
Hi saw your message. Don't be discouraged, it is your journey, others aren't on it so they don't understand. They just have to be gently reminded that it is important to you. It can be done, and the person in the mirror is the one who is going to do it. She is the only one that can. Feel free to add me.
Hi, I'm new to MFP but liking its potential. Meal planning is now front and center. Have a great day.
Hi Megan, I am new here also, but remember the key is consistency. Every day is one more day to be happy that you are one step closer to your goal. This is a great motivator and the way to wake up each morning, "Today is the day I make my goals come true". You can do it, find your motivator, maybe it's your music or doing…
Believe in yourself, prioritize and you can do it.