ym_02 Member


  • Sweatcoin is good, but sadly it doesn't connect to other apps or tracking devices
  • I'm only trying to lose 10 lbs, but feel free to add me! I could also use a little support. Also, my diary is open to friends if you want any meal ideas :)
  • Feel free to add me! I haven't been adding for a while, but I'm trying to get back in the habit :)
  • Add me! I've gained a LOT these past few months, and although my loss goal is pretty small right now (~10-15 lbs), I could really use some motivation from others trying to lose, and would love to support them in turn!
  • I would be happy to help with the encouragement! As for me, I started losing weight last year, and I'm just 6 lb away from my goal... so close yet so far away! I started at 132 lbs, and my goal is 110 lbs. Hopefully I can convince myself to stop eating pizza and clean up my diet again :smiley:
    in New Friends Comment by ym_02 July 2018
  • First of all, good luck to everyone! I've noticed that so many of you guys have lost so much weight, and/or plan to lose even more this month, and I truly admire every one of you. As for me, I don't plan on losing much since I'm close to my goal, but I'll let you guys know otherwise... Original starting weight: 132 lb July…