Jacean1935 Member


  • You are wished the best of luck from this quarter! All will be well. So sorry for Babe. Anne.
  • Sitting here sipping my cuppa, I feel so contented with my lot in life. So lucky! The leg is only faintly hurting today, the sun is shining, young Jilly is still in dreamland curled up in her bed, whatever the future brings I am blessed. Just had to get that out of my system. More later, but for now I hope you have all…
  • Lovely, lovely, lovely to see everyone in such good spirits. We are going to be hot, hot, hot today, so Michael is coming over before work to help Mark put my bulky window air conditioner in. Big relief for Jill and myself. Mark was staining his staircase banister when Michael asked him to meet him at Moms. Jill's in for a…
  • No budding romance in my future SANDY. I'd run faster than Jilly in the opposite direction!! Anyway, can you imagine the confusion of having two dogs named Jilly Bean! "Come Jilly Bean", "no, not you Jilly Bean!" "YOU, Jilly Bean". Sort of thing. One of Jill's favourite toys is Foxy, and then Squirrelly. We also have Bun…
  • Jilly's favourite thing is also running around the house at tremendous speed. Obviously a doggie pleasure. On our walk today we met a chap with a little white dog who sniffed noses with Jilly. "What's your dogs name" he asked, "mines called Jilly Bean". Yes, really!! What a coincidence! The men have departed off the garage…
  • Gorgeous garden, gorgeous George! Great excitement here. 3 men are ripping the tiles off the garage at the back of me. I am considering putting a rubber band around Jilly's jaws in lieu of a muzzle. Great if unwelcome news from your doc BUZZ. I will try to copy! MFP playing up again, nowhere else! I'm a goner, Anne.
  • LIN, Not a hundred percent sure exactly what Mikes friend does. I think she records where fungi are located etc. Mike was out on a field trip with her the other day and he was amazed how many different varieties there are and how she knew where to find them. So now he knows where to look and he took the photo. Thought it…
  • I'm not about to find out if the fungi is edible SANDY!!! Let's just put it in the beautiful range and only to be admired! The pet photos were taken in Mary Jo's kitchen in the breakfast area. Hobbes is now home in Toronto with Derek and in his small apartment. I guess he won't be able to go outside JACKIE, although…
  • I remain a tub. Anne.
  • I think they could be pals PATSY. Although Jill's ears are flat the tail never stopped wagging. They ended up rubbing noses. I had a great deal of trouble typing this as well. It varies at different times during the day. Most odd. Anne
  • Here we go. The first picture is of a Hobbes encountering a Jilly Bean for the first time. The second is a Jilly Bean encountering a kitty for the first time. Jilly's ears are flattened because she's nervous. Anne.
  • Spotted this on our way to Mark and Mary Jos. Fungi. Michael's new lady friend is an expert on fungi, mushrooms, toadstools etc. Will post a picture of the absolutely gorgeous Hobbes later. Teeny kitten, HUGE paws. He will be a very big full grown cat. Turns out he's a Russian new breed and the breed is called a Siberian.…
  • Not only Charles, JACKIE, I think a few of us first wives wondered if their ex husbands were watching and remembering their original vows! Funnily enough Meghan's dress was exactly the same style as mine, except my under layer of silk was covered with a top layer of Nottingham lace. Fifties of course, but some things never…
  • Today is a public holiday here in Canada, Victoria Day. We are all queened out this week. Mike is threatening to come over and maybe cut my grass because the professional mowers never showed up. This means I will have saved $70 which makes me very happy indeed as it can go towards a new iPad eventually. After mowing the…
  • Gained 2 lbs. back to the drawing board!
  • I'm just about to throw the iPad at the wall having just lost another long and boring post. I will start again, save halfway through and carry on from there! Where was I before MFP flew to the front yet again. Oh yes it was to say I forget at times that I am probably the only one interested in history and the murky and…
  • Wrote a huge post, but decided not to bore you all! Anne.
  • And Chelsea wins. Phew, I'm all Englished out. What's on PBS tonight! Just think, I would have missed all this if the sun had shone. I'd have been gardening instead of sitting here with my part German, part Mexican pooch and mopping up (eating) an avocado! I wasn't concerned which team won, I just enjoy watching the…
  • Golly, rainy day here, but first THE wedding and now football! Chelsea winning.....at the moment. Anne
  • The darling buds of May, JACKIE. It's raining here today, but hey, after such a wonderful wedding and all the queens horses and all the queens men, it's great to be in the world (if not actually of it). All starry eyed because ain't love wonderful, and the bride and groom looked very much in love, Anne. PS. Is that George…
  • That was the best and nicest wedding ceremony I have ever seen. Loved the bishops sermon and the gospel choir. Can't type, this site playing up again, but just wonderful seeing "merrie" England at her very best. Anne.
  • Wow! That's some show PATSY! Absolutely gorgeous! Now who's got a green thumb! Anne.
  • Hello everyone, looks like another beautiful day here, and yes LIN the moskies are early! No green fingers or patience at all. Dead looking mums just shoved in a pot, watered and left to Mother Nature. Thinking about potatoes etc in the containers JACKIE, but need to find someone to trudge around a garden centre with me.…
  • this thingy broke down on me again. Another try. Anne.
  • Gardening, but here's the dead stalks I rescued out of the church's garbage. I cut back most of the "dead" stalks and here's what's starting to grow. I have great hopes come late summer! The church has two containers of geraniums on their steps. I have great hopes there as well.
  • Lovely posts this morning and especially such a hopeful and happy post from BUZZ. I'll come back later but for now, wonderful news all around and such a lovely photo of our George. Anne.
  • I'm not only having trouble typing at snail pace but I'm having trouble getting onto the Sneakers in the first place! However I wish I could wave a magic wand or at least help out in some way BUZZ. I hope you feel much better in double quick time for sure. Cliques, ha, I remember them well. They are everywhere! I wonder…
  • Another bad day for typing. I give up.