whoiseli Member


  • Slices of apple with peanut butter is good. Also, peanut butter oat porridge is good too - add cinnamon and peanut butter to the already cooked quick oats and stir honey in to make it sweet.... You can also add two splashes of milk... It tastes ultra yummy and is super quick to make
  • Reading comics and listening to indie music.
  • Make sure you aren't lacking protein. It could lead to fatigue, lower immune system, and overall, won't allow you to reach your goals. Anyway, for me, I drink tea. When I'm hungry, and I've eaten all 3 meals (or 5 small meals... Depends on what you do) - I have bought a "dessert" tea that is blended with strawberry…
  • For me I allow myself to have a cheat meal once a week. It's because I have a huge sweet tooth. And just not eating some form of sugar - other than fruits - drives me up the wall. However, there should be a time limit for the cheat day... For example, by the end of 6.30pm, I no longer eat anything of any kind... Let alone,…
    in Cravings Comment by whoiseli April 2018
  • I'm also interested in being your friend! Also forgive me for my blank profile picture.... For some weird reason the website wouldn't let me upload my photo.