smcgrath45 Member


  • I have found the opposite. I am tall so I always bought jeans from Express. I have ordered literally the same jeans in the same size and not been able to get them on at all. This could be a marketing technique where some companies are not trying to appeal to me but to much younger women with teeny bodies.
  • January Start Weight:162.4 January Goal Weight:157.0 Ultimate Goal Weight:140.0 Jan1 : 162.4 Jan 8: Jan 15: Jan 22: Jan 29: Jan 31: I'm doing BB 80 Day Obsession and Timed Nutrition. Feel free to friend me. All my friends went dark and are inactive.
  • You are not alone. Mid March I had to lose 20 lbs, the same 20 lbs I was trying to lose for 3 years. Now I've added close to 10 pounds in 8 weeks since the lockdown so it's 30 pounds. It's a bad combination of the gym being closed, sitting all day in my home office (I'm a CPA with endless tax returns to do) and eating…
  • I'm 1400 a day. I need a lot of motivation and discipline. I've been trying to drop 25 lbs for 3 to 4 years now.
  • I'm trying it again. 3rd day. I first tried it in December and it worked but I found it too restrictive. I also did not eat enough and didn't feel well. I lasted a week and a half. I'm back but eating more. It's still tough and restrictive but I've been doing my own thing for 3 years now and it's not working. I'm going to…
  • I tried Keto in December, tracking on MFP and found the 20 net carbs to be very challenging. I did lose some weight but the lifestyle was just not for me. I guess I need to eat fruit like bananas, apples and oranges which are not allowed. I did not feel well and stopped, I kept half the weight off. I'm trying a no-name…
  • Thanks everyone. I did a class today at the gym and Fitbit said I burned 236 extra calories in the hour. It was boxing and TRX, not overly cardio, so I guess the more cardio, the more calories you "earn". I probably should not follow the calories that Fitbit gives me, just pick a number and stick to it for calories each…
  • Well, it seems my heart rate zones control the amount of calories it says I burn in class. The higher my zones, the less calories I "earn". And no, it is difficult to only eat 1,200 calories. I am not tiny. I'm 5'10 but I'm 45 and that is what it says to eat to create a deficit. I guess that is why everyone packs on pounds…
  • 45 here. I want to lose 20-30 lbs. Something changed in the last few years. I never really had to watch what I ate but suddenly I was putting on weight even with my "healthy" diet. I am now going to the gym daily, tracking my food intake to create a calorie deficit and avoiding high carb (pasta, bread, etc) and even low…
  • We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and I found out later that one slice had about 1,600 calories. Okay, yes it is cheesecake but still, my kids got two to share and they were big but 1,600 seems like an impossible number to have in a slice of cake.
  • I was really surprised how many calories mini meatballs have. I'm not even talking about the homemade, cooked in oil kind, just the frozen ones I buy for my kids. 6 have 200 calories and they are so tiny, you can eat 10 in seconds. For some reason I had this mindset that cheese, nuts and all meat products were diet foods…
  • Yes, I love the coffee ones. They are so good.
  • Yes but be careful freezing them. My kids did not like them frozen and I tried to defrost them but you can't. $10 dollar compost. I like them but they are expensive.
  • I'm 45 and would like to lose weight. I was 30 lbs lighter in my early 30s. I realize that may be unrealistic; I'd be thrilled with 20. The weight seems stuck to me. It's not really a mystery though, while I eat generally well, I drink too much wine, eat too many snacks and don't get enough exercise. I have good days where…
  • There are solutions to any problem. If you end up with loose skin, you can easily get a tuck. As far as looking old, it is true that loosing too much fat will fat you, excess cardio and starvation is a no no. However losing the weight will also probably save your life. 38 is pretty young. As a 45 year old woman I would…
  • Are you eating or fasting? Doing a Keto diet? I was reading up on health issues and that is one of the symptoms of your body not being able to properly burn fat. I read it's not so rare. I came across it because I had chest pains today and that is also a symptom.…
  • Thanks, I am going to sit in the back and try different instructors. I'm guessing it's somewhat the same though since the website says they incorporate all that stuff. I've tried spinning at the Y but its the wrong type room and the instructors are really random, some play country music and you sit in position 1 the whole…
  • I read about SoulCycle and yes, I saw how it is very different. I really hurt myself unfortunately in my first class Thursday with the bike pushups. I felt fine at the time but two days later (today) I started to experience this intense chest pain unlike regular chest pain from lifting. I actually went and got a EKG, I…
  • Just don't eat the processed kind, it has sugar in it and is easier to overeat. You can buy the grind your own nut butters, they are better for you and you tend not to overeat them.