SeaCam46 Member


  • Feel free to add me. Just 3 days in but feeling better for not over eating
  • Plenty of support on here. MFP is a great system. Feel free to add me.
    in New here Comment by SeaCam46 April 2018
  • Good luck with your goals. Yes, the app is great. Just stick to what the app says your can have and you will see a difference. Feel free to add
    in Hello Comment by SeaCam46 April 2018
  • Not so much stress at work now as my role has changed, so that is why I am back as I now have a fighting chance lol
  • I have been here a number of times but due to one thing or another I always put my weight back on. During my times here I have noticed one common issue with people and that is to loose as much as they can as quick as they can. It can be done with the MFP app and still eat what you enjoy, just not as much. Have your first…