Grace120899 Member


  • Okay that makes more sense... thanks for explaining it. And of course that I took the app literally, I am pretty much new to this...
  • Yeah, but that's why I am asking for help, because I don't think I've done that much wrong and the calculator was going nuts. I just want to make sure I understand everything correctly.
  • I mean look at this
  • Well I don't know, it does seem like a lot, but that's literally what it said after I logged karate 90 minutes. I looked it up online and it is said that that karate does burn around 600 per hour... But yeah, so basically if I added the 1000 kcal to my food, I'd still be in a deficit?
  • Well it isn't crazy excercise... it's literally just and hour and a half of my karate, which I only have 3 times a week. And yeah I know that it's not much food, but I don't feel hungry at all and also, this is actually me trying to eat more during the day (because I used to not eat at all during the day. and then overeat…
  • Okay so after logging in all my food and excercise for today, this is what it looks like. I absolutely don't understand it. Should I eat more? Should I eat less? I am trying to lose between 0,5 to 0,75 kg per week. Thanks to anyone for reply