beecharmer55 Member


  • I'm weighing myself too frequently and the fluctuation of the numbers bums me out. I should be more disciplined about only weighing once a week. The weight loss has definitely slowed down, but it's at the pace I was planning. 0.4kg doesn't sound like much, but it's actually almost a pound. 5'1" 52y/o Starting weight:…
  • Discouraged a little. No weight loss despite reasonably good eating and very consistent exercising. On the other hand, I was not very careful this past weekend because it was my birthday. I didn't go crazy with food but I didn't track my eating on Saturday, so I suppose a mini-plateau is a victory. I did measurements and…
  • This switch to the metric system is really helping my attitude! And the increased granularity of the digital scale allows me to track small losses. 5'1" 51y/o (until Saturday) Starting weight: 84.8kg Goal weight: 78.5kg Ultimate goal weight: 56.8kg 04/04: 84.8 11/04: 84.2 18/04: 83.2 25/04: 82.3 02/05: 81.7 I've upped my…
  • Song Sung Blue - Neil Diamond
  • Kris from CA here. I'm 51...for about a week more. I've always been on the heavier side, but also have always been somewhat active if not as athletically talented as I'd like. For about the past 2-4 years, increasing weight and age have creeped in and taken over to the point that I just don't feel good most of the time.…
  • So I noticed that my cheapo scale was super inconsistent and didn't have the granularity I wanted, so I got a digital scale. Well, between that one and my old one, the numbers weren't lining up and I started to get bummed out. So I'm switching to metric measurements in hopes that will allow me to track progress without…
  • Definitely part of the middle-ager group. I'm 51...for about two more weeks. Feels like the moment I turned 50, the warranty on my body ran out. Aches and pains and general discomfort suddenly flared up, along with a the inability to burn calories like I used to. Not that I've ever been that able to burn calories, but it…
  • Yes! Menopause has changed everything. It's so much harder to do the physical things I used to. Aches and pains all the time. And so much harder to stay in shape.
  • Kris from the Bay Area, CA (currently in denial that I'm from the US). Was already tracking on the same day as y'all, so the data is here! 5'1" 51y/o (52 nearly) Starting weight:182lbs Goal weight: 170lbs Ultimate goal weight:125lbs 04/04: 182 11/04: 180 18/04: 180 25/04 02/05 09/05 16/05 23/05 30/05 06/06 13/06 20/06…