MrsWaldo99 Member


  • Here we go again! I have been MIA for again but I am back now. I have had company and have been on vacation, which was wonderful, but that also caused me to eat terribly 😪 I hopped on the scale last week for my weekly weigh in & had gained a pound 😔so I didn't even attempt to get on th scale this week. I haven't been…
  • Good Tuesday morning all!! Boy is my chest sore from yesterday's workouts. I am starting off my day with some protein & coffee, then I am heading to the gym for leg day. Yesterday probably wasn't a good time to start adding in a second workout considering my sister & nephew are coming to visit for a few days, which also…
  • Good for you!!! Way to get back out there! & just remember, it doesn't matter how fast or how far you go as long as you go!
  • Good morning all!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a good one except for the fact that I ate & drank like crap!! Why do I do that to myself on the weekends?! I am going to add in some T25 today & hopefully boost my weight loss & discourage myself from the cheat meals. 🥂 Here's to a fresh start this week!! We got…
  • I hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!! I haven't posted for a while & I honestly don't have any excuse other than being lazy. I am still going to the gym 5 days a week but my food has kind of been out of control the last few days. I am loving lifting however I am struggling with getting the proper nutrition in.…
  • I am in the exact same boat that you are in. I lost 50 lbs in 2013 & have put all but 4.5 lbs back on 😔 I joined a gym on Monday & have an awesome trainer. So far so good but the real challenge for me is going to happen when the weekend comes. This group has been great for me & the friends I have made on here are amazing!!…
  • I was not mindful this past weekend either in fact I did horrible!! I did however join a gym yesterday and I have a trainer and I am more determined than ever to get this weight off!!
  • Good morning all!! My daughter & I are having a girls weekend since my husband & son are gone for the weekend. Movies, pedicures & lots of pool time. So here's a question for you...What do you all do when you get the bordem munchies, you know, when your just sitting around watching movies curled up on the couch?
  • Finding your post this morning is just what I needed. I am joing the party late but better late than never right. This isn't my first time on the weight loss rollercoaster. I have felt beaten down & defeated & am extremely embarrassed of myself right now. I feel like this feed can help give me the motivation &…
  • I am a 42 year old mother of 2 (18 & 13) I am right there with you. I started MFP about 6 years ago & lost 50 lbs. I got comfortable, slacked on calorie tracking & life happened & the weight crept back on. Now here I am & I have gained it almost all back. I went to the Dr. a couple of months ago & got in trouble for being…
  • So glad to hear that you got out of that horrible relationship & have found a wonderful man!! I am right there with you. I too started MFP about 6 years ago & lost 50 lbs. I got comfortable, slacked on calorie tracking & life happened & the weight crept back on. Now here I am & I have gained it almost all back. I went to…
  • Welcome back!! I am right there with you. I too started MFP about 6 years ago & lost 50 lbs. I got comfortable, slacked on calorie tracking & life happened & the weight crept back on. Now here I am & I have gained it almost all back. I too went to the Dr. a couple of months ago & got in trouble for being over weight. I am…