Track it, Count it, Move it & Lose it!



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    @snowflake1968 your garden is looking lovely :smile: its quite the workout!

    Thank you, this is all new to me. I am learning as I go LOL
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    We are strong!! If we work together and support each other we can reach our goals!!
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Love your garden bed ! Great color choices for the plants, too. Just curious, what did you use for the side of the bed itself? It looks like some kind of folded type black plastic ?

    @LivingtheLeanDream I ignore exercise calories and just try to stay with a fixed food intake. It's crazy how fitbit seems to over estimate calories burned. I have a Polar that I wear when I do an activity, plus my fitbit - and the fitbit is always much more generous. I don't even think the Polar is totally correct. maybe 50-75%? Who knows.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Love your garden bed ! Great color choices for the plants, too. Just curious, what did you use for the side of the bed itself? It looks like some kind of folded type black plastic ?

    @LivingtheLeanDream I ignore exercise calories and just try to stay with a fixed food intake. It's crazy how fitbit seems to over estimate calories burned. I have a Polar that I wear when I do an activity, plus my fitbit - and the fitbit is always much more generous. I don't even think the Polar is totally correct. maybe 50-75%? Who knows.

    Thanks I hope once they all bloom it will look good still. It's a corrugated plastic material. The back side of it looks like tar paper. It was near the aluminum roofing material. We were going to do aluminum but it was over $50.00 a sheet and this was under $25.00 so financial responsibility took over.
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Thanks ! I'm going to show this to my husband. We have some areas where I wanted to do raised beds - but didn't want to have to use wood for it all. What you used seems perfect !
  • runbowlfish
    runbowlfish Posts: 7 Member
    Did some decent eating at a birthday party and baseball game over the weekend, but counter-acted them with a 80 minute bike ride and 5.5 mile the net was a loss of little over a pound for the week. As long as there's a net deficit in calories the weight keeps coming off, just have to be diligent and truthful in my tracking. I may start tracking % body fat as well, for it's possible that some fat is getting converted to muscle, and that weighs more.

    Currently not doing any interval or weight training, though that likely will change at some point.

    Keep on keeping on! This is do-able and worth doing for a fitter/healthier self.......
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I love catching up on everyone's posts. Unfortunately I don't respond to all of them, but I do read them. I'm so happy to be part of a group that encourages one another. I really enjoy the garden photos, and photos in general.
    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Wednesday. As I type I'm dancing at my desk. :D Keep moving and grooving!

    <3 Jill
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Thanks ! I'm going to show this to my husband. We have some areas where I wanted to do raised beds - but didn't want to have to use wood for it all. What you used seems perfect !

    There is wood in behind that stuff. I think it's strong enough that you would just need bracing behind it though. Ours is solid wood because we changed our plan halfway through LOL
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Slow, steady, and moving down the scale feels fantastic this beautiful Thursday morning. I’m actually back to being happy to get on the scale each morning. We are all awesome together!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    What is your favorite food that you always feel good about after you eat?
  • MrsWaldo99
    MrsWaldo99 Posts: 13 Member
    Finding your post this morning is just what I needed. I am joing the party late but better late than never right. This isn't my first time on the weight loss rollercoaster. I have felt beaten down & defeated & am extremely embarrassed of myself right now. I feel like this feed can help give me the motivation & encouragement I am looking for without the judgement.
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    What is your favorite food that you always feel good about after you eat?

    Fruit! I can, and have, overeaten on fruit and gotten sick. Grapes, apples, berries. Just so good!
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    It's been a very stressful week, but I did have a half pound loss! New kitty is so well adjusted and chill. Resident kitty just needs to get used to her more and stop hissing.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    MrsWaldo99 wrote: »
    Finding your post this morning is just what I needed. I am joing the party late but better late than never right. This isn't my first time on the weight loss rollercoaster. I have felt beaten down & defeated & am extremely embarrassed of myself right now. I feel like this feed can help give me the motivation & encouragement I am looking for without the judgement.

    It’s never too late to join. :) We’re glad you’re here. This is the encouragement zone.... no judging, just helpful ideas.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    It's been a very stressful week, but I did have a half pound loss! New kitty is so well adjusted and chill. Resident kitty just needs to get used to her more and stop hissing.

    If you haven't seen this yet, I think you’ll find this very appropriate to your situation. :D
  • Sel118
    Sel118 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, just found this group and think I would like to join too as I need a bit of support and encouragement from time to time. I only have a couple more pounds to lose before I try maintenance. I have been on weight loss journeys many times over the years but only recently started to seriously use mfp. I think I am almost at 100 day streak! What has surprised me most over that time is how often I have changed tack in trying to lose weight, either in diet or exercise. Anyone else found that?
  • MrsWaldo99
    MrsWaldo99 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning all!! My daughter & I are having a girls weekend since my husband & son are gone for the weekend. Movies, pedicures & lots of pool time. So here's a question for you...What do you all do when you get the bordem munchies, you know, when your just sitting around watching movies curled up on the couch?
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Sel118 wrote: »
    Hi, just found this group and think I would like to join too as I need a bit of support and encouragement from time to time. I only have a couple more pounds to lose before I try maintenance. I have been on weight loss journeys many times over the years but only recently started to seriously use mfp. I think I am almost at 100 day streak! What has surprised me most over that time is how often I have changed tack in trying to lose weight, either in diet or exercise. Anyone else found that?

    Glad that you’re almost at goal! Welcome. :)
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,802 Member
    MrsWaldo99 wrote: »
    Good morning all!! My daughter & I are having a girls weekend since my husband & son are gone for the weekend. Movies, pedicures & lots of pool time. So here's a question for you...What do you all do when you get the bordem munchies, you know, when your just sitting around watching movies curled up on the couch?

    Girls weekend rocks!

    Carrots and ranch are my munchy snack.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    edited June 2018
    jm216 wrote: »
    What is your favorite food that you always feel good about after you eat?

    Mine is Kraft Dinner or Olive Garden's Lasagna Fritta, neither of which are very calorie friendly. I heard on the news this morning that more KD is consumed in Canada than any other country.