kcurtis577 Member


  • #fibersupplementinthemornings
  • Okay...... well I see where you’re coming from for sure. I’m stating that simple carbs CAN lead to overeating because they digest very quickly resulting in a crave for hunger much faster vs eating complex carbs that sustain the body for longer periods of time resulting in a longer gap between urges or craves, whatever word…
  • https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/carbohydrates-and-blood-sugar/
  • Argue with Harvard I guess
  • I agree. The idea behind avoiding bad carbs is directed towards the notion that most people don’t realize that there are such things as bad carbs. It’s just fuel for my body right? No, it’s not. Simple carbs are digested quickly and cause changes in blood sugar levels leading to over eating. Sorry for the confusion!!
  • Power to you! I think my post was directed a little more towards body fat percentage vs muscle gain. Mainly the stomach area and other places that sugar likes to hide from the naked eye. Looking good though!
  • Carbs have 4 calories per gram.
  • EXACTLY right!!! Bad carbs convert to calories! Take the number of simple carbs you ingest and multiply that number by four and it will equal to the number of calories that the carbs are turning into. Example: 4 grams of bad carbs= 16 calories. Simple carbs are the “back door” into getting too many calories.
  • Haha! I like the emoji. Big difference in simple carbs vs complex carbs. You’ve probably done some studying on this yourself. My goal is to mainly ingest complex carbs so I don’t store fat through simple carbs. Eating too many of the wrong carbs can lead to health problems (diabetes) and unwanted weight gain. I’m not…
  • I personally do not eat much fruit bc of the sugars. Although fruit is considered a “complex carb” bc of the high amounts of fiber that it’s paired with. And again, I didn’t insist. It’s for anyone that would like to achieve fast results
  • Hi there! I eat TONS of veggies. Veggies such as corn or sweet potatoes etc... contain complex carbs which don’t manifest into sugar such as simple carbs.
  • I certainly don’t see it that way and sorry for the confusion . Yes, carbs are your bodies fuel, correct. I assumed that the reader would know that I was referring to cutting out simple carbs and not complex carbs.
  • Did you read the post? It says “IF you want massive results” don’t eat sugar or carbs. If this isn’t you, then you’re obviously doing pretty well. I commend you for achieving great results. Move along and let it apply to the people that could use fast results.
  • Don’t start drama girl. If you don’t like it, move on.