mitchkelly2446 Member


  • I lift still. In the past I lifted a lot. Like I say, got to 175% of BW on squat (167.5kg/370lb), bench 125kg/275lb) etc, but when I got there it was "so what?". No feeling of accomplishment AT ALL. I felt some idle curiosity about whether I could lift certain weights, but once I did it, that was it.
  • No, I don't have a why I want to lose weight. Been told I should/getting nagged to. I don't personally have a why, other than to shut other people up. I have never-ending vigilance and internal nagging ("oh god, I'll catch hell if I eat this" kind of thing). I can't imagine either one is more or less wearing than the other!
  • Because I was told it would be good for me/because I was getting nagged. Started at the gym/running because I was told I should/would be good for me/got nagged Activities/hobbies: wargaming, birdwatching, modelmaking, art, reading... As for the 1/5/20 years: I don't know. I never have known. I never had a childhood dream…
  • Thanks, I'll look at the book. I've tried goals: run a 5k, run a 5k faster, run a 5k in under xxx minutes, squat my bodyweight, 110%, 150%, topped out at 175%, and it was all just tick the box, move on, so what? None of it has significance or meaning and doesn't make me feel anything at all. I get about the same feeling of…
  • Nothing other than feeling obligated because I've paid the money!
  • Nothing. Losing weight doesn't give me any more time or money, so I can't reward myself that way. Lifting more, running further/faster or losing weight are just numbers and don't provide any kind of pleasure or accomplishment. Exercise doesn't and never has lifted my mood. Basically the reward for the hard slog is a…