lunarlake Member


  • Hi and welcome! I can sympathise with your position as I had my thyroid removed due to cancer in 2016. It can be harder to lose weight with thyroid issues, but I have so far managed to lose around 30 pounds since last May. I did this through using MFP to stick to around 1650 calories daily (calculated for me by MFP). On…
  • It’s interesting... I have a bit of a history with binge eating, and food generally feels more like a hobby to me than a means of staying alive. Which is how I ended up 4 stones overweight, I’m guessing. But I’ve been doing the CICO thing since May of this year and am down around 28 pounds so it’s gradually happening. Now,…
  • I have to admit that I’m also a huge fan of Jessica Smith. I had tried a few Youtube workouts before I found her channel, and then I was hooked. She has a very encouraging style, yet she urges you to always give your best. She covers a wide range of cardio, weight training, yoga, pilates, barre, and just basic walking or…
  • Thanks for those very helpful responses! It is a bit odd that the exercise question is essentially an aspirational figure, as @sijomial said... but at least I know where I stand now.
  • Apologies for the silly question... but if I told MFP I was exercising 6 x 30 mins pw (which I am - weights, cross training and stretching), does the daily calorie amount still hold true? I have set it not to subtract my workouts at this stage. I am losing at a steady rate so no worries there - I’m just a bit confused…
  • Reading this has helped me so much today - thank you! It perfectly sums up the approach I’ve been slowly working towards, as I also have that big internal child making a noise over it being “so hard”. The truth is that I am lucky that my body is strong enough to let me work out, and I get to eat great nourishing food -…