Low Thyroid weight loss difficulties

Hi, I’m new on here. Just wondering if anyone has any tips regarding losing weight whilst taking levothyroxin for low Thyoid. I developed this after having Radiotherapy for Lymphoma in 1992 and suffering 2 other severe attacks of this wretched cancer. Needless to say it’s really hard to lose weight so would appreciate hearing from any other non existent Thyroid sufferers x


  • lunarlake
    lunarlake Posts: 10 Member
    Hi and welcome! I can sympathise with your position as I had my thyroid removed due to cancer in 2016. It can be harder to lose weight with thyroid issues, but I have so far managed to lose around 30 pounds since last May. I did this through using MFP to stick to around 1650 calories daily (calculated for me by MFP). On days where I have enough energy to exercise, I get to eat a bit more as I have ‘earned’ spare calories! I don’t eat all of my exercise calories though.

    Are you able to exercise? Even gentle walking and generally being a bit more active throughout the day is good. It doesn’t have to be a full on programme. I have also found weight training to be a huge help. By creating more lean muscle mass (and strengthening your bones - something we all need, especially while taking Levothyroxine), your metabolism is fired up a lot more throughout each day. And exercise is fantastic for creating a more positive mood generally - as long as you choose something you’ll enjoy and stick with.

    I think eating habits do need to change. I was around 56 pounds overweight, so still have a way to go. I put on this weight by thinking it would sort itself out, sort of magically! I wasn’t paying attention to the high calorie, low nutrient foods I was eating. You can eat really well by choosing lower calorie options like more vegetables, lean protein and lots of water. I add in a treat each day because I like to do this, but you may do better with a stricter approach. Find out what works best for you, and then just be patient. Slow is still so much better than no loss! Or worse, gaining more over time.

    With every pound lost, your body is going to get fitter and stronger, more energised and better able to help you go further. Just remember to be kind to yourself, without actually letting yourself off the hook completely! x