carley1971 Member


  • Okay that article fits me exactly cause it seemed like I could feel water retention but I didn't think it should go for almost 3 weeks! LOL.. thank you! I have noticed weird texture and I'm like ok this isn't feeling right. Makes perfect sense though now that I think about it!
  • but yes a food scale is something I need to get for sure
  • I've been actually keying in higher than what I'm having, just to make sure it is covered.
  • Well MFP said to reach my goal for my size I could (my goal is excluding working out) 2700 calories... the reason I put on the weight I had (which I carry it decent because my jobs is active and I've always had a muscular build) it was from quick energy boosts through soda. 1300 calories a day of them to be exact (a 44oz…
  • I was hoping to avoid the "loosing muscle mass" issue cause i'm weight training, doing my best to at least hit protein goals. Introducing Quinoa for the complex acids and avoiding sugars and sodiums except natural (i.e fruits and light snacks) or through the ice cream I have.. Far as health issues, I cant see getting…