ylc0208 Member


  • Welcome!!! I just had my surgery on the 27th. I'm struggling a little bit with all the fluids post OP but I'm feeling ok considering the surgery. Feel free to add me!!! Hope you are doing well after surgery.
  • I will add you. It will be great to have other people that understand the process and struggle!!
  • I am scheduled for surgery on the 20th. During all the classes/meetings that I had to go to they clearly stated that while balloon is helpful but not as effective as sleeve or bypass. Talk to the surgeon and he/she can give you more details/info regarding success.
  • Kfjohnson....are you eating anything high in carbs or sugar? I am scheduled to have surgery on the 20th but during our 3 hour nutrition class we were told that we will need to be sugar free and carbs intake should be minimal if any. Also, your body is still adjusting to everything and not everyone looses at the same rate.…
  • Hi....I am 38 and been overweight all my life. I have tried every diet and exercise regimen out there. I would loose wt. but I would always gain it back or would loose a couple of pounds and no matter how hard I exercised or how much I limited my calorie intake I would not loose any more. I have hypothyroid (on Synthroid…
  • Got my surgery date - 08/20/2018. Started my pre-op diet today and will have a EGD on Thursday. I am praying the next 2 weeks go by fast!!!
  • ayoungsanchez - how much have you lost so far? I am having surgery on the 20th. Just started my pre-op diet today.
  • YvonneRae....how did everything go? How did u feel after surgery? How r u feeling now? Sorry for all the questions. I saw my primary care provider yesterday for all my preop and to fill out forms. I have a follow up with the Nutritionist on the 2nd. The Behavioral health provider already told me she would let the surgeon…
  • Serendipity....I am also in the preop stage. Is great to find people going through the same process.
  • I just had my consultation on the 5th. I always have been overweight and have struggled with losing weight. This is not the biggest I've been but close. I'm just looking for some support and encouragement, and to provide the same. Yvonne good luck with your surgery tomorrow.