caitiedid10 Member


  • I am in! I want to lose about 10 pounds, but I’m in school and work full time so I will be a little flexible. ;) (I haven’t seen below 155 in over 8 years so any loss would be amazing!) SW: 165 CW: 155 GW: 145 Check in days: 9/1: 9/8: 9/15: 9/22: 9/29:
  • I’m sure it’s too late but I’d love to be in.
  • I assumed that it wouldn't be, it is just nice to know that I am not alone!
  • Thank you to everyone who replied, I feel a lot better knowing that I am not alone in this struggle! I am on day one of no soda, even though it is in the fridge. (My husband isn't on board and isn't planning on being on board any time soon, so I have to learn to buy it but not partake.) Thank you for all the encouragement,…
  • Not as helpful as I would have hoped, but thank you for the advice.
  • Actually my husband used it and he has acid reflux and it helps more than any medicine he’s tried. I’m just saying there’s some truth to it.
  • I actually drink 2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 oz of water for my rosacea. If I don't, I'm a mess. I've never seen weight loss results, but it works for that. Otherwise, I'm not really sure what the hype is about drinking it. It doesn't taste very good. :)
  • It is only one day. Take time to get rest tonight and be ready to get back at it tomorrow! You’ve got this!
  • I have a few vain reasons for wanting to lose weight... I want to go anywhere with confidence. Plus it helps that I could wear anything and look good, that isn’t possible in my current state. And lastly, I’m the big girl in my family. I’m the tallest and the biggest, so I always get snide remarks and snotty looks. I want…
  • I agree with richandmarieb, it is probably muscle. I wouldn't worry too much. At this point, just make sure that you are getting enough calories to support that muscle growth. :)
    in Weight Comment by caitiedid10 June 2018
  • Welcome!
    in Hello Comment by caitiedid10 June 2018
  • I struggle with time. I'm a wife, a mama, I work full time, and I am a student. It is a struggle to get a work out in, but I do try. I have started running at the unholy hour of 5 am a few days a week, bike riding to work, and I have been doing some strength training five days a week. It is summer break, so I worry that…
  • The joy of humanity. There are always jerks out there, don't give them the satisfaction of another thought. You look stunning! Keep up the good work!
  • Hello! My name is Caitlin and I am married with two munchkins, have a full-time job as an Office Manager/Accountant/Admin Assistant and go to school. I am in the same boat. The app kind of sat there and didn't get much use. I'm back at it again, so please feel free to add me if you would like.
  • I have never actually been treated. My Mom took me to a therapist who diagnosed me with OCD and ED and we never went back. To my family, it is normal and healthy to be a stick. I just kind of took that diagnosis and have been trying to recoup myself on my own. Thank you all for your thoughts. I appreciate your…
  • Any ideas on what I should be doing? I have been struggling for so long with this excess weight and I don't know what to do. If I just write out what I ate during the day, I don't see results. If I count calories, it looks bad because of my past, but I can actually see results everywhere.