Metalman224 Member


  • The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead... 🐹
  • I'm not professing to know oatbrans exact requirements...just giving some tips backed by science and actual studies. I mean there could be underlying factors that have nothing to do with diet and/or exercise ie. Hypothyroidism Which "could" explain the aches etc. There is just so many factors that none of us can give a…
  • If u did one or the other wouldn't that be keeping the body guessing? It's overly simple but does apply.
  • It only takes a few cardio sessions to become fitter and improve your energy. After a few workouts, mitochondria in your cells will increase rapidly. Mitochondria are said to be the “power generators” of your cells, which turn oxygen and nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). And ATP is basically what powers the…
  • Hey oatbran, rest day is just that... Rest. Literally like lying around relaxing. Mind body soul relaxing. Treat yourself to a movie, take the elevator and take a break from the stairs, run a bath with some lavender, meditate.... That kind of rest. Also I forgot to mention, maybe mix up your regime a little bit. If your…
  • Get some rest at LEAST once a week. Sounds to me like your overdoing it mate. Your central nervous system will be stressed to the max without rest. This will elevate stress hormones. Especially cortisol. This will do several things you don't want. Like start using muscle as an energy source, slow down your metabolism and…
  • Skipping is Fats enemy. 1000 Kcal an hour is definitely possible. I find HIIT 60sec flat out/30sec rest, for 25mins is absolutely exhausting. My fitness was up within 2 weeks substantially and can credit the skipping to helping lose 10kg in a month. Have really good shoes. A wooden floor or solid rubber gym mat, and spend…
  • If you are not fat anymore is it possible it is just loose skin. How rapidly did you lose the weight? If it was excessive amounts of weight in very short time it may have left you with loose skin. Skin is amazingly elastic but it does have its limits. If you were severely overweight before it may have stretched beyond it…
  • Wow. Anyone notice the date on the Ops question? Probably worn out a few pairs of shoes since then....
  • ^^^ Strong Bump Weights should not be considered at all for children. Body weight is fine. But until a person's bones are fused (about 21-23 for males) weightlifting is a big no no. It can cause stunted growth and development issues ie. tendon and ligament issues. In extreme cases osteoporosis is a possibility. Only once…
  • There are some good posts here. However it depends what your goals are. If you are weightlifting to get stack on muscle and doing cardio for endurance, you are wanting the best of both worlds and unfortunately it doesn't quite relate to the human body. Don't get me wrong they are both great but if you are aiming for both…
  • All of the posts about getting a quality shoe fitted are correct. It is possible that your heels and arches may be to blame also. You may need orthotics to correct any pre-existing issues and it may be in your best interest to see a podiatrist prior to spending any significant amount of money on shoes as they may not be…
  • If you included your exercise activity level when you input all your information at the start then eating calories back is no good. If you input sedentary/no exercise you can eat those calories back. It depends which 1 because MFP calculator would take this into account when working out your macros.
  • This will sort you out. Remember the info you entered at the start takes into account your exercise and adds it to your TDEE. I apologise for my previous posts mistake as I actually meant BMR not TDEE.
  • Your calories= your macro ratios. It is impossible for them not to equal the same. Fat = 9kcal Carbs = 4kcal Protein = 4kcal 9+4+4 = 17 So 9/17 = 0.529 or 52.9% 4/17 = 23.52% So 52.9 + 23.52 + 23.52 = 99.94%(basically 100% if you include all the decimals but for the sake of this conversation...) Please correct me if I'm…
  • How's your sleep/stress levels/health? If they're all on point just get in and do it bro. Listen to some music that'll pump you up on your way to the gym. Down a V or Red Bull to perk you up. Just get there and walk through the door and the rest will follow. You will find after one session and you get your dopamine and…
  • Check out volume training. You can mix it up and achieve the same weight moved but have much more time under tension. Massive muscle growth stimulus. I.e. rather than 3 sets of 20kg you can do 6 sets of 10kg. The same amount of total work has been done but the time under tension has been doubled. This is mainly for new…
  • Depends on your goal... Maintenance, gain or loss. I should have mentioned it depends on your diet plan too janejellyroll, thanks for pointing that out. Calories are calories but the types of food are specific to your purpose... Ie. Carbs instant energy otherwise insulin will store them as fat if your muscle glycogen…
  • Mind over matter. If you don't want to get hungry don't watch food shows lol. I'm terrible for this too. If I want a recipe I'll look it up rather than watch someone make it. Man Vs Food..... OMG! Watching this on a cut is literally torture. If you have to watch.... Heaps of water and chewing gum might help. Funny post.
  • If you want to gain muscle a calorie surplus must be in play. If you want to lose weight a deficit must be used. If you wish to maintain your weight you must consume your macros to meet your TDEE. So if your TDEE is 2000 calories and you exercise and burn 600 then you must consume 2600 to remain the same weight. Just keep…
  • As for the boring gym.... It's all about your goals. If you want to achieve them sometimes you have to stick at it. I'm fortunate enough to have a gym at home so I bought myself a kikass stereo and a google music account and just crank that *kitten*. Music is my motivation for sure. Just sort some wicked beats and feel the…
  • ^^^^ This.... Rest days are super important or you will start to lose gains as your CNS (central nervous system) gets too stressed out. This in turn causes your cortisol levels to elevate thus halting energy going to muscles and repair. Cortisol will cause fat storage rather than letting your muscles have the energy. After…
  • Hey brother how are you? A few things I can think of might be halting your progress. 1. Too much weight lost too quickly. Your body is trying to preserve it's normal baseline and because you have lost too much too quick your cortisol levels are raised. This halts weight-loss (fat loss) and can actually lead to muscle…
  • It sounds like your tendons are overcompensating because you might not have the muscle/strength just yet. Just back off the weight a bit and focus on your form as others have suggested. It doesn't matter how much you can lift if you have poor form. Work on volume training. I. E. You can achieve the same amount of weight…
  • Forget the wrist weights. They do more harm than good. The human body generally gains mass/fat around the mid section and thighs. So weights on ankles and wrists (especially when running) is a bad idea. If you are keen on adding weight consider a weight vest as this is more suited to the body and won't affect your…