gswanson133 Member


  • I have never done this before! 5’ 4” 59 yrs SW:137.6 GW:135.6 UGW: 133 Round 48 7/27: 137.6 I love accountability groups! Logging intake everyday is key for me. 7/28: 138.6. Had a card group event last night and ate high sodium prepared steak. So I suspect this pound should be gone with drinking a lot of water! 7/29 7/30…
  • I have never done this before! 5’ 4” 59 yrs SW:137.6 GW:135.6 UGW: 133 Round 48 7/27: 137.6. I love accountability groups! Logging intake everyday is key for me. 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/01 8/02 8/03 8/04 8/05