FoxAndOpal Member


  • I’ve struggled with binge eating since I was a kid. When I was very young it started with sneaking junk food from the cupboards in the middle of the night and once I was old enough to drive it morphed into massively overconsuming fast foods (like 2-3 full meals in one go). Even as an adult I cannot have a bag of chips or a…
  • My issue is definitely not that I’m lacking fiber. I’m averaging about 60g per day.
  • Thanks everyone! I’m feeling a little bit better. Intellectually I know that I couldn’t put on 13lbs (by mid-day, after I weighed again because I am a masochist) of fat in 4 days. I have typically only dieted drastically before–either doing something like keto that makes you drop a ton of water weight in the first couple…
  • Anyone can add me - I have an open diary and plan on tracking daily this upcoming year. I’m about 95% vegan, 100% vegetarian. I eat Icelandic Skyr (haven’t found a good replacement yet) and take collagen peptides so those are my two non-vegan indulgences.
  • I have a 10 month old and a newborn, so I am tandem nursing and I’m currently losing about .5lb/wk eating 2500-3000cal/day. I’m ravenous so cutting to low calories just doesn’t work for me. I suggest dropping very slowly just to ensure your supply doesn’t suffer.
  • I’m vegan! You can add me. I have an open diary :)
  • You can’t eat eggs and be vegan. This is going to be ridiculously restrictive.
  • I did keto a handful of times (which is a big clue that a WOE isn’t right for you...) and always lost a lot of weight quickly but I could never sustain it and always gained it all back and then some. Now I eat a moderate carb diet and I’m down 90lbs and still losing. I eat potatoes, rice, quinoa, and oatmeal frequently. I…
  • I do “IF” on days when I want to gorge on a big *kitten* steak, buttery potatoes, beer, and cheesecake for dinner. Except I just call it the much less buzzwordy “planning out my caloric intake” instead of IF.
  • Ugh. I feel you. I’m 5’6” and started at 275lbs, wearing a size 18 jeans. When I got down to 200lbs I was in a size 16. I’m at 175 now and I wear a size 14. My goal weight is 130lbs so I do still have a ways to go, but it feels impossible that I’ll ever get into a 2 or 4. But I also know that the amount of pounds lost…
  • There is no specific setup for keto even on premium. To calculate your net carbs you subtract your fiber from your total carbs. Your fiber is right below carbs on the nutrition tab.
  • I’d also love more keto friends!
  • I tried to lose weight about four billion times before it stuck. I tried low-fat (miserable), I tried Keto (miserable and completely unsustainable), I tried IF (hello binging!), I tried 1,200 or less calories (hello MEGA binging!!)... sometimes it would work but the weight always, always came back. Last year I decided I…