Really enjoy this read, thank you for shining some light on multiple possible issues!
Can you expand on the issue of losing fat but not losing weight? Where does the fat go and how is this possible?
I ate delivery pizza 3 times this month but have been able to maintain 1.5lb/week loss regardless!
How much weight did you lose?
Lifted 5lbs weights for short reps. Tracked all calories and under CICO.
Kept track of all calories and I putted into app. Tried walking a bit.
Tracked and ate under CICO. 25min of leisurely walking. 3lbs currently lost.
It never ran across my mind to be aware of how I'm associating negativity with fast food and foods that brought me to my current weight. I'm grateful for everyone's feedback -- it's a struggle I've kept alone and scarcely open to online communities. This is helpful. Thank you.
This resonates with me. Absolutely, it does. I started eating to cope with and away from things I couldn't control and feelings I couldn't confront was one thing. If you can, please go on with anything else you'd like to add and explain. What you wrote above offered something about me that I couldn't put into words.
Tracked and stayed under CICO. Didn't get to exercise but did spend time with friend and moved my arms amd legs more.
Did 1 hour of leisurely walking outside (4.5km). Tracked all food that I ate. Was little over 300 calories under CICO after resisting McDonalds. I literally walked in and out of the place.
I read every reply carefully, thank you so much!