creedonamber Member


  • So weird that my picture came out sideways on a side thought LOL when I did the download it was correct !!!
  • Thank you for taking the time to chat !!!
  • I actually love the keto diet everything I’m eating is stuff that I really like so I am not having a problem there, The thing is is that I was the same weight for two weeks re-did the macros, lost weight and then the next two weeks I was not losing again !!! According to this website I should be eating 1200 - I have a…
  • Since I started this diet on February 1 I write down what I eat every day how many carbs how much protein how much fat and how many calories, I was losing weight steadily almost 1 1/2 to 2 pounds per week about four weeks ago I got stuck after 30 pounds so I redid my macros on the keto diet and reduced my calorie intake…
  • I just started mfp today - I have been tracking my own calories for months
  • I have been doing the keto diet with IF since February 1 and I fell in love with it and lost 30 pounds so far however the last four weeks I have hit a plateau and I have not lost any weight, I am very discouraged at this point looking for some kind of tips to help me get past this I have tried everything that has been…