KJS_007 Member


  • Thanks so much! It’s still early but feeling better already. Hoping it stays under control. 🖤
  • For me Keto restricts things that make me sick. Unfortunately food hates me lately. So this change actually gets my stomach back in line and I do have more mental clarity and energy. Overall I feel better. But there will be days where my Asian food obsession will take over and I’ll treat myself. It’s gonna happen 😂 I want…
  • Hello there! Thank you for responding :) How is the change going for you?
  • I noticed I would stay so bloated and full feeling through the week that even when I ate I couldn’t keep it down. Scale was not really moving but clothes wouldn’t fit anymore. I had the doctor do a gluten test and ran blood work. Folic acid, vit D and iron were low. So I decided I would go back to a more Keto based…