33gail33 Member


  • Interesting - my main concern with high sodium as a somewhat active older woman (57) is not so much high blood pressure (never had an issue with it) but osteoporosis. My mother has osteoporosis and spinal compression fractures, and my latest osteoarthritis investigations indicated some mild osteopenia, at least in my knee.…
  • I don't really have any concern about my sodium intake being too low tbh. I was more wondering how one with high sodium intake (such as the OP) would decide that they don't need to reduce it to below the generally recommended amount. It seems that @Xellercin is saying that before one reduces their intake they should first…
  • How does one do that? Like in general I try to keep my sodium low-ish (my husband and mother both have high blood pressure). How would I investigate what my particular salt needs are?
  • "I still stand by my position that if someone says they are struggling to reduce their intake of something, that the most logical question is to ask why they think they need to reduce it." Whenever someone comes on here and asks about a certain habit, or about something they want to change, and people repeatedly ask them…
  • @cwolfman13 @Xellercin I guess I look at it differently. Sodium intake is a long term problem, issues can show up years later. So telling someone they don't need to moderate their intake unless they have a health issue to me it is kind of like saying if someone doesn't have lung cancer yet then we shouldn't advise them to…
  • Idk why everyone jumps on the "do you have a health reason?" bandwagon whenever someone wants to decrease salt/sodium. Both the CDC and FDA have indicated that most Americans eat too much of it and I believe they actually lowered the recommended guidelines last year. To me lowering sodium intake seems like a perfectly…
  • Interesting - it's only 5 days here but my belief is still that is just to get people back to work sooner. Or it was when it was changed back in January when basically everyone had it and the economy was going to come to a standstill with everyone isolating. Everything I have read from virologists and public health experts…
  • That is the legal procedure here as well, but my understanding is that those policies were put in place more because of business demands than actually medical science. I was searching online and my understanding is that while PCR tests can pick up genetic material for many weeks - if you test positive on a rapid test it is…
  • Might be another two weeks off work - I tested positive for 12 full days when I had Covid in April. And I am STILL coughing 6 weeks later. I had a couple of international flights this month and I had to do a PSA to tell those in my row that it was just a lingering cough and not active Covid. Mind you I have had this before…
  • Yeah getting really sick off something makes sense - I got really drunk off rum and coke as a teenager and I couldn't stomach coke for a really long time (still don't like rum.) As for chocolate and peanut butter, it would probably be good for me if I didn't like them. Husband brought home a bunch of peanut butter…
  • I get creeped out watching people dip cookies in milk (or coffee, or hot chocolate) Really dipping anything in any beverage grosses me out.
  • I did this on Chronometer recently, not perfect meal but a perfect day, which included as close to possible to 100% (or more) of recommended micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals etc). It was an interesting exercise, and definitely helped me to see where I was perhaps not meeting the recommended requirements, so I could…
  • Yeah this sounds like a terrible way to live, so sorry you are feeling this way. Not sure if you are looking for advice, but if you are starving 24/7 on 1500 calories them maybe switch up the kinds of foods you are eating? Like higher volume lower calorie? I'm not sure if that would work for you - my problem is that I…
  • Oh yeah liver is gross. Never was forced to eat it though (and I don't eat any meat anyway.) Now that I think of it I don't recall if I have ever actually eaten it, the smell was enough to know I would hate it! Never tried okra. Really trying to wrap my head around developing a sudden (physical) aversion to something I ate…
  • Negative experiences for sure - I grew up in a family of smokers and as a kid had to get up and eat my breakfast at a table overflowing with dirty ashtrays, and my mother smoking and drinking coffee. Thus my aversion to smoke, breakfast cereal and coffee - they are all viscerally linked to me. And I think meat/fish is a…
  • Raptors in 7? Hoping for a historic Philly collapse (and to make Joel Embiid cry again.)
  • 1) Blueberries with unsweetened coconut yogurt - sprinkle with toasted pumpkin seeds and a small drizzle of honey. 2) Mary's crackers with a single serving Wholly Guarcamole.
  • I don't track calories - I cut out added sugar and highly processed food, eat 30-40 grams of fibre a day, and don't eat after dinner. (I am a binge eater - moderation doesn't work for me.)
  • I find it easier to lose weight if I stop eating at dinner, I don't eat in the evenings. But I guess it is different for everyone, a lot of people who do intermittant fasting don't eat breakfast, I could never do that I like to eat when I get up. So for me having that "cut off" time at dinner helps me control my daily…
  • Seems kind of random then. Covid is weird.
  • Yeah my boss tested positive back in January (or February) on a routine travel test - said he wouldn't have even known if he hadn't been required to take a test. I wonder if it has to do with which vaccine we got. I got three Pfizer and I think he had some sort of AZ and Moderna combination.
  • @Fuzzypeg @ReenieHJ Thanks - yeah I did take Thursday (day 1) off completely there was no way I could work, and then Sunday I decided to take off the afternoon and sleep. I work for an accountant, and tax deadline here is April 30. I literally could not have gotten Covid at a worse time - busiest week of the year. Feeling…
  • Working from home.
  • I have covid rn - on day 5. Given I am triple vaxx'd it's been worse than I expected. Two days of the worst flu I have ever had (relentless fever and headache even with alternating tylenol and advil every 3 hours), two days of sore throat that hurt to talk and burning sinuses, now it's like a bad cold and my eyeballs hurt.…
  • She mentioned she has joint pain and is obese - and you have her in a wheelchair from a bit of daily walking? Good lord that is over the top. People get stiff joints when they are middle aged and heavy - not sure where you live but where I am that doesn't generally constitute a medical workup. It generally constitutes…
  • I have OA, am about the OPs weight, and walk more than that every day. Obese people with OA need to move more, not less. Not sure where you are getting your info from. (And I'd hardly call walking 3 miles strenuous exercise ... )
  • My husband got Covid about a week after our 3rd shot, so not sure that timing is all that relevant. I'm finally gong on a vacation mid-May, if they offered a booster here I might consider taking it before I go just to make sure another vacation isn't ruined/cancelled.
  • Lol - I'm vegetarian. :smiley: But it's not horrible or anything, just like someone left a bagel in the toaster too long or something.
  • It happens everywhere, not just the house. Actually thought it was my car at first because that is the first place I noticed it.
  • No one is upset by individual personal preferences, or by the fact that you prefer a taller man. Men are saying that most women prefer taller men, so obviously someone who is on the shorter side is going to be upset, because it limits their chances of finding a partner. And if most women's preferences are influenced by…