josh_b003 Member


  • I dropped from 301lbs to 240 lbs and have put on a decent amount of muscle, but I still see my old morbidly obese self in the mirror. I can feel the difference. If I want to see the difference I have to look at before and after pictures. Still have another 25 lbs to go, but I am sure we will all struggle with self image…
  • The only thing that works for me is looking at a before and after photo. At my heaviest i weighed 301 lbs. I am now down to 240 lbs. I still look in the mirror daily and nitpick the way i look. It is only when I look at the before and after I realize how much weight I have lost and how much muscle I have put on. Edit: Just…
  • That is really awesome! Congrats! I am currently 30lbs away from my goal weight! I started at 301 lbs and 6 months later I am 242 lbs! Pretty amazing what the body can accomplish in 6 months!!!