I did it! Lost 45 Lbs

brettcook7 Posts: 5 Member
6 months ago I set out on my journey to take my life back. Diets are awful because they don't last. Intermittent fasting and excersise is something that's so easy for me to maintain. I'm not longer obese! tphlq71y9zdw.jpg


  • pookajunebug
    pookajunebug Posts: 38 Member
    Amazing job!!!
  • allie_oopsiesTK
    allie_oopsiesTK Posts: 6 Member
    Great job! I actually accepted that intermittent fasting is what I will have to do and it really isn’t too hard for me either.
  • Tic78
    Tic78 Posts: 232 Member
    Fantastic results, were you a weight lifter in the past? What were yr macros and start and finish weight?

    That’s a great achievement
  • dcdrogers
    dcdrogers Posts: 3 Member
    What an amazing transformation.....and in only 6 months. Great job!
  • brettcook7
    brettcook7 Posts: 5 Member
    I have lifted on and off for years. I did not start training hard until 40lbs were lost.

    No macro counting. I weighed my foods and tracked calories. I love IF
  • josh_b003
    josh_b003 Posts: 3 Member
    That is really awesome! Congrats! I am currently 30lbs away from my goal weight! I started at 301 lbs and 6 months later I am 242 lbs! Pretty amazing what the body can accomplish in 6 months!!!
  • Styggian
    Styggian Posts: 465 Member
    fantastic results, congratulations
  • brettcook7
    brettcook7 Posts: 5 Member
    Keep it up Josh! Never ever give up. Research intermittent fasting. It's a lifestyle I live by. Keep me updated
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    Great job!
  • Resistive
    Resistive Posts: 212 Member
    Curious. What were your numbers?

    Height, starting weight, current weight, calories per eating window etc.

    Amazing results, your dedication paid off,
  • brettcook7
    brettcook7 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 6'1 with a starting weight of 232. I now weigh 187.

    I did IF (20/4) or OMAD depending on the day. I found OMAD to be easy as long as I was not in the gym. Once I started lifting, OMAD was very difficult.

    I kept my calories around 1800. I am now working on maintenance calories using scale feed back. I try to eat around 2400 calories.
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