scaye103092 Member


  • For the most part it hasn’t been unintentionally such a large deficit. My maintenance goal is 2400 cal a day . I am trying to lose 2/wk but only because before this I ate very horribly and kind of erratic. My would generally starve myself (unintentionallty) for a good 75% of my day only eating chips at work (I work at a…
  • I generally just go by what I can notice I can lift at the gym and how long I can lift or how many sets I can do at a specific weight.
  • What is a BIA device exactly? I’ve only been counting my calorie deficit by measuring every single thing I eat and measuring loss of muscle by what I can lift at the gym.
  • I personally have 60-70 pounds that I would like to lose. I weighed 217 when I started and over the last month I’ve lost about 15 pounds. My goal is 1300 calories per day but I generally hit more around 1100 and burn 300-400 a day (even if I don’t always log it) with exercise. I set mine at 2 a week because before I…
  • Holy typos lol note to self: don’t workout and type at the same time!
  • A low sugar protein powder (I use dymatize) mixed with nonfat (or lowfat) Greek yogurt goes a loooooong way if you’re looking for something sweet. I generally eat it as a snack after the gym instead of a traditional protein shake. As for cutting out most sugar it’s fairly easy as long as you give yourself a few grumpy days…
  • Almost 26 here. Currently 207 but 3 weeks ago I weighed in at 215 (about 15 pounds more than I thought sadly). I’m 5’2” and carry my body weight a bit....differently than the typical person my height (large bust, muscular legs, decently sized rear end) so I’m not super following what the internet says my BMI should be as…
  • I’m in the same boat and I’ve found that adding a little PB2 to my morning oatmeal helps A LOT. Then after dinner adding 1 scoop of dymatize chocolate whey isolate to nonfat plain Greek yogurt. IT TASTES LIKE CHOCOLATE PUDDING. My weakness is pizza though so I told myself I could have 2 a week....but I use low cal, high…
  • Thank you for actually being nice and straight to the point. I am weighing everything very accurately and logging it as so. I guess I’m just concerned because I thought at my size I would be able to lose weight quickly considering how much I’m cutting and on my feet/working out.
  • My clothes are LITERALLY getting tighter. Doesn’t take a scale to notice that. Or to notice stretch marks appearing. Bright red.