baggles36 Member


  • @KKHKISHZKH, there's still plenty of time left in the month! :) And if not, well 9 miles >> 0 miles. Not sure if I'll run today... we have a picnic for my work group and I got invited to a drink-thing afterward to meet one of our European colleagues. Thoughts on running a couple of hours after having a drink (likely…
  • Got in a 3 mile run after a longggg day at work. Felt good to have a break, logging back on now for more work. :-/ @MegaMooseEsq, I get the same way interacting with some of my family... the stress leading up to it is almost always way worse than anything that happens during. Glad your visit went well. Made it through…
  • Just starting out here! I have done 18.1 miles so far in September, my goal is set at 50 for this month. I run around 3 miles a day, shooting for 5x/week. We have some beasts on here! Great motivation. :)
  • Hello! My name is Maggie. :) I was going to wait until October to join, but thought I might as well jump in now! I have never been naturally athletic or a "runner", but I try hard to be! I have done 5 half marathons (walk and run... 3 out of the 5 mostly walking), a bunch of 5Ks, and a sprint triathlon (swimming= FAIL,…