TLBentley1 Member


  • I love the comments above! The calorie deficit works! I think its about finding the sweet spot. Where you're feeding your body enough not to feel threatened, the rest is finding what you and your body agree you can eat. I love bread but bread doesn't love me, my hands swell especially if I mix it with protein, no hot dogs…
  • A lot of the latest fads come from people training for fitness competitions where muscle definition is important. For instance using the sauna suits to lose weight and "burn fat". The only thing you do is dehydrate the layer of fat between your skin and the muscle, it is temporary and usually as soon as you drink a glass…
  • People are strange beasts. I understand now its more about them then you. I bet every one that offered you cake was struggling with their own weight issue. I noticed when a co-worker of mine lost a significant amount of weight that everyone said that she was "too skinny" she'd gone from a size 22 to a size 4 in the course…
  • The Gym can be a tough place. When I first started I was intimidated by the machines and the people so I didn't spend much time there. I just hopped on the treadmill and maybe go for a lap or two in the pool and leave. Since then, I've gotten much better. I've really gotten into group fitness and doing boot camp style…
  • 109 - No Med's in 3 weeks
  • Through all of my starts and stops, I've learned that motivation can't come from the scale. It's great when the numbers are going down but when you're stuck, the scale is your worst enemy. Since you can't lift, try walking, swimming (using a kick board), riding, find a class you like, even though I know there is more to…
  • I have a desk job and I find myself doing much of the same. I keep healthy snacks at my desk and I pretend I'm a smoker an go outside every few hours.
  • I get your frustration, I've been there. I've found that dieting for my body requires skill and fine tuning. I know that there are foods I can eat and others that I just can't do. I had to learn to listen to my body and nourish it the way it wanted to be nourished. I had to pay close attention to my blood sugars and look…
  • Mine was really easy really, I went to the doctors and when she couldn't find any other reason to fuss at me, she said I needed to join a weight loss program. Not like I hadn't been working on it all along (the reason she had nothing to fuss about).