evilruler Member


  • I’m new here and would love to add you....but I don’t know how 😂
  • Hi there, I’m new here so I’m not sure if you’re still active on the boards. I’m turning 43 next month and was lucky enough to start having menopausal issues at 39. My metabolism pretty much laughs at me on a daily basis. I went from being skinny my whole life to, WTH. I have successfully lost 50lbs on a ketogenic diet. I…
  • Hola!! I just started today as well. I’m 42 y/o and 174 now. I know what you mean when you say it affects so many different aspects of your life. I knew I gained A LOT of weight, but seeing my self in a formal dress for an upcoming wedding was the last straw for me. It’s amazing what being surrounded by huge mirrors…