@moogie_fit I don’t see how you do it that would be so hard for me to do and I’m 6”2 255 lbs.... I just wanna get back down to 195 lbs so bad! it feels like I’m carrying a whole kid around with this extra weight. I never knew you can gain by under eating.
Ok cool 😎 thanx
You look awesome 👏🏾 so proud of you may be I can take some tips from you.
Oh ok I was like man I’m messing up but I think it’s the water honestly how did you on that part?
Thanx I just feel like it’s hard reaching 1690 calories a day and 8 cups of water I feel stuffed...
Thanx man
That’s awesome 👏🏾 you just can’t stop ✋ I’m proud of you because today is my first day. I’m 6”2 255 lbs and I hate my weight. I’m trying to get like you! So keep it up.