Ooh haha no sorry been spending too long on pregnancy forums, I was using FTM to mean “first time mom”! My bad! 😬 that confused the hell out of me for a minute. But hey since you brought it up I agree trans people have the worst time with medical care and I so wish it wasn’t the case. Social change is too slow. 😔
Good to know! 💕
Ah crap I didn’t even know about deli meat being a danger. Thank you for telling me.
Wonderful, thank you! I will for sure be looking into that. With only a month or so to go I think I have to stick with my current OB despite her flakiness. I may ask at the prenatal if I can see one of heir other doctors but should stay at the same clinic I think. Thanks so much for looking into that!
Thank you for your advice, I’ve actually been really frustrated with the care I’ve received so far. My doc didn’t even have me take the first hour long glucose test, waited waaay late to have me take the two hour so I’ve only just found out and no monitoring in place yet. First appointment to address that is on Friday and…
Hmm from these tips I’m gathering I don’t need to be so worried about having high fat intake? I’m all for eating more cheese to make up the cal deficit! I think I’ve been nervous cuz I was raised on the fat=bad mantra of the 90s/2000s. Also wanting to specifically ask if I can get a referral to a dietician. I know private…
Been about 7 months now, I think I was sorta used to fibre in the mornings anyway, I always had something similar before jut not quiiiite as high fibre. A dietician would be so nice but I don’t think they are covered by my insurance. 😕
My doc has been super useless to be honest, she doesn’t seem to know much about nutrition, just said to “eat more”. Actual quote “just try putting butter on everything!” She seems like one of these “you’re pregnant just eat everything!” Types, but then she handed me a GD diagnosis and told me to do the research myself...…
I think I’ve done that but wondering if I’ve done it right, I’ve adjusted my goals to be 40%carb, 30%fat, 30% protein. I’m averaging 35%carb, 40% fat, 25%protein and it really feels like a struggle. Should I adjust my goals instead of my diet? I’m all for that solution lol.
Thank you for the tip, i was worried about going way over on fat though, I already am right at the goal or over it as it is. Plain Greek yoghurt is just disgusting to me, lol only way I can stomach it is if I add honey but that’s not very GD friendly unfortunately. I swear I’m not usually this picky it’s been magnified by…