TracyB627 Member


  • I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said to PM me, this is a forum for this topic. I’m so used to FB and PM’s. Please let me know if I can be of any help. Good luck! 😊
  • Also, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms from cutting gluten and dairy from my diet cold turkey. Not sure what your issues are, but let your doctor know if you get worse. There are some interesting articles about that if you do have issues.
  • I am gluten, dairy, soy, and corn free.... some seafood with more allergies to raw fruits, veggies, and tree nuts, although I seem to do okay with coconut. I’m allergic to latex which includes another list of foods to avoid because the body confuses similar proteins. Allergic to artificial sweeteners. I call it a caveman…
  • Hi Gary, I’m new as well, just found this app in September and started using it. Totally love it, wish I had found it sooner! I’ve lost 54 lbs since last January and have 51 to go for my goal weight. I know I’ll keep using it to maintain and keep my weight where I want it once I’m there. Congrats on your weight loss!
  • Hi there, you can add me! I just found this app is September and I love it! I pulled my food scale out and I’m counting everything! I wish I had found this sooner!
  • Hi, please add me. I turned 51 in October and I’m determined to be fabulous in my 50’s and on! I’ve currently lost 53 lbs and have 51 to go! I’ve been using this app since the end of September and I love it! 😊
  • I’m allergic to pretty much everything and with some special shots (Dupixant for eczema) I was able to cut gluten, soy, corn and dairy from my diet, which had horrible skin issues if eaten and with withdraw. I looked like I was sunburned and then it would peel. Rinse and repeat. Awful. Now my skin is clear and I’m feeling…