cherie8525 Member


  • This years prep will be attempting to sift all the soil in the raised beds, I will try to remove all the crazy jumping/snake worms.. Hopefully it will slow downs next years reproduction of them.. They have eaten most of the soil, the beds are pretty much worm casting, gritty sand. Last year I added in goat and rabbit poo…
  • @Nipchkin I am super Jelly on your pumpkins, I love growing and carving them for fall.. I might get 3ish this year.. zero winter squash.. although, it is amazing how 3 day s of sun has encouraged the plant to finally spread out and cover the compost heap. @fancyqtr I think flavoring on tomato is very slight.. I do think…
  • @MAMADEE016 Welcome and thank you for your intro.. I have been away horse camping, How is your current garden. I too have a really short growing season.. this years lack of sun has left my garden small.. Finally the tomatoes are coming in I grew them on a trellis this year, and per usual over planted uggggg
  • I haven't figure out how to put pictures here from my phone, which is where my garden photos are.. How do you find groups when your on the phone app? I have been spending most of my time in flower beds.. I love the color of your tomato fancyqtr, how did it taste? I can't resist saving seeds from all of them.. we have been…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yesterday I again got lost playing in the gardens, I made choices to squat and do push up as I got up and down.. 196 Min of fat burning cardio on fit bit Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? yes
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? I exercised for hour moving in the garden, doing heavy digging and moving. 75 min of cardio on fit bit Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? I believe i Did Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? slacked on tracker, Once I get loss in the gardens I loose all track…
  • I have an abundance of tomato, I will try to get pictures first before I harvest.. I am excited.
  • @mgood4x4 this platform is very different, I have noticed if your tagged in a post it will show up in the bell up top.. maybe we can tag our replies. I am excited to be riding her big butt all over these mountains.. downside is how tall she is, I will be bumping into tree limbs.. bad enough I will be wearing spider web off…
  • Great photo, and love your muscles ! ! you can never share to many photos
  • Mouse_Potato Pasha just turned 4, and growing faster then weeds. I had hoped for a horse 15 hand, she is becoming a giraffe, I haven't put a tape on her, I am 5'5'' and her back is at my head level. I play Parelli style or Natural Horsemanship.. I like to intro everything on the ground before getting up on her back.. were…
  • I don't think the T-Relief is going to heal the damage, but It should help with the irritation of living with it. My body has loved the low carb.. the last few weeks have been a struggle.. I think bored with what I am eating I need to put more effort into making meals and Loss .. My sister passed away July 22.. no warning…
  • Almost time to kick in gear! ! ! My goal has been to hit 150 for about 30ish years. LOL I am sitting at 154/ 153 for the last few weeks. Looking forward to getting to know you all as we MOVE and Grow through out the month! ! !
  • @LeeH31 Miss Pasha is 75% Friesian and 25% Morgan.. My dream horse, My gift to self after surviving Anal Cancer. There is a lady in MN that breed Sports cross and sells them at a price more can afford. Her name is Ladel.. she breed Friesian cross and Gypsy Vanner Crosses. check her out on Facebook if your into horses..
  • I am jelly of your pumpkins. :) How old is your grandson? my grand-kids use to garden with me, it does add extra work but keeps them very busy and excited about food. Now they have moved almost 2 hr away and I no longer have garden partners. Last year I grew so much winter squash.. I grew them on a trellis. :D original…
  • my gardens are desperate for sun.. so crazy.. upside is my tomato are finally turning red, I made my first batch of sauce.. pretty yummy.. instead of noodles we use zucchini shredded and browned in butter.. will you save the seeds?
  • @fancyqtr Tomato and cucumbers, or any seed that has the gel surrounding it.. needs to be fermented. You can even save seeds from grocery seed tomato. or buy some at a farmers marker? Bonus of buying one at market you get to eat the tomato and get more seed then what would have come in package of purchased. Take the seeds…
  • 1. English or Western: Western 2. Breed(s) of horse: Frisian / Morgan cross.. Always loved Morgans! 3. Mix grass or Alfalfa: mix 4: Rider or just lover: BOTH 5: Horses, spoiled or not: Maybe, LOL 6: Spouse ride: once in every 10th blue moon 7: Trail or show: Trail 8: Mares, geldings or studs: Mare 9: Colors: Black 10:…
  • This will help your shoulder, It is amazing.. there are days I wish for a vat.. My body love living on ketones, night day mentally and physically.. Fiber isn't my friend at this time are you able to work other body parts? My goal will be figuring out how to work limbs, body part with out pushing on core due having hernias
  • :D I forget to keep using the habit tracker, LOL Try clicking on image and save to where you want on your pc or phone. Congratulations for taking the step to apply to new places. Life is to short to stay where you not happy or appreciated. the mind comes up with many excuses.. aka Patterns that have worked prior too. It…
  • Enjoy, happy coloring ;) Have an amazing day! I am off to play outside.
  • Yesterday I pulled the veg from two raised bed, Today I well get to two more along with the border flower bed .. After playing with my horse.. LOL if the heat doesn't wipe me out first.. suppose to be in 90s today.. So pasha first, then into the garden one of the beds I cleared yesterday had so many crazy invasive…
  • @misslindeena suggestion, Start writing down all the excuses/ thoughts your mind comes up with for wriggling out of moving. I use this tip when I went keto. It was fascinating what my thoughts would tell me as a reason to go off and eat non keto choices. with exercise, when my mind starts, I bargain, if you really don't…
  • Hi, I am Cherie, 55yr young/old depending on what I am asking my body to do. LOL I am on the flip side of anal cancer 5 yr N.E.D the treatment did a lot of damage . I started keto in January to help my body heal from it.. Bonus is fat melting off.. Best part is ketone energy.. wooop wooop so since I was sedentary for so…
  • <3 Looks filled in! this sounds great!
  • @Mouse_Potato I hope your injury heals quickly. I use a cream called T-Relief, it works miracle on inflammation . what is IIFYM?
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 Struggling to breath is extremely uncomfortable! I found cat nip tincture to help when I was struggling.. I took it for anxiety because not being able to breath was causing me to fight panic. (cat nip is known for quickly helping with crazy anxiety) I was having difficulty breathing along with chest…
  • @camtosh Currently avoiding fiber, my body is having a hard time with the side affects. Ty for suggestion, I have heard about the chia seeds a few times. Fiber bulks the out put and that is where I have issues.. Flip side of anal cancer and the cure did damage
  • cucumbers are piling up, time to make some pickles. Today I will go down and see what has shown up. .One of my favorite things is getting into the garden after being away from it for a day or two. What is is 1 of your favorite things in gardening?
  • How are you two doing now? I am strict keto 20 carbs or less and do my best to stay in ketosis.. I am in it for all the health benefit it gifts
  • I have yet to find a bread substitute. My need to stay in ketosis is the all the health benefit.. If your eating keto just for weight, then I would agree it wouldn't be end of the world to pop in an out. Fascinating to see what your body reacts to that I use to eat all the time. My husband LOVES enchilada, so at our 6…