ElizbethMolly Member


  • Found it. www.fitbit.com/user/7RBV48
  • I added you both as friends but I haven't figured out what my profile link is yet, still working on that.
  • I just bought a fitbit alta on amazon and it should be here tomorrow!
  • If we use AL logic you lost 3 elbees! /s Any loss is a step in the right direction, keep it up!
  • Do you do a lot of weight training or muscle building? Muscle weighs more than fat so maybe that's why?
  • I scan individual ingredients. For example if I'm making a soup. Scan the broth, divide it by how many servings you expect to get out of the soup. And do that for each ingredient. You can even "build meals" in the app so when you eat the soup again you can just enter the meal instead of the individual ingredients.
  • In 2014 I lost 40 lbs in about 3 months, I went from 310 to 270 and was feeling great. This was because my doctor said I had high blood pressure and it scared the *kitten* out of me, so I started watching my sodium intake. About half way through that time frame I started the process of buying a house. Found one I loved,…
  • I'm managing ok so far. Slipped up and had a donut at work today, but to make up for it I swam my butt off in my pool for 2 hours. Doing walking and other water aerobic stuffs. My legs are killing me now lol. I think I'm also coming down with a cold, which may help, loss of appetite and sore throat is the usual for my…
  • I always found the idea of paying for weight loss help a bit odd. Like, how do they stay in business if their customers don't need to come back? That's just my take on it, I've never tried WW before. From what I understand though it's basically counting calories in a different form, which you can do on your own with this…
  • Today's struggle: my coworkers brought in food today to share. Bagels, donuts, fried chicken, and cake. It all smells and looks so good. Normally I would have at least 1 of each, maybe another in the afternoon. So far I have resisted it all and am eating my lame turkey wrap.
  • Ok I'll raise it a bit, I want to do this right and not be the next ALR lol. Thank you guys!
  • I have that problem as well. I stocked my work fridge with protein shakes, salad making stuff, and lean meats. So I have options available. I know some people don't work in an office though.
  • I'm just going off what MFP suggested. I did good yesterday, if tomorrow morning is still as hard as this morning was I will adjust my calories a bit higher. At the end of the day yesterday I felt ok though, not hungry or craving anything. My stomach was just very hungry when I woke up lol
  • Shhhhh you can be 25 if you want.
  • F/31/5'7 SW:370 lbs CW:363 lbs GW:130 lbs Right now my biggest goal is so stay under the calories this app tells me to and build up some stamina for walking. I'm taking my 4 god kids to Michigans Adventures on the 10th of August and would like to be able to at least take less sitting breaks than usual.
  • I planned Monday mornings to weigh in.