kimsmi2018 Member


  • Motivational quote: You cannot change the past, but you can learn from it to build a better future.
  • Daily Post (Monday) Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: Yes (30 minutes of Just Dance 2019 w/ the kids and a 10 minute walk w/the dog) Goals: No sugar, at least 96 ounces of water, at least 3 servings of veggies. I almost met all of my goals, but I couldn’t resist the mini Snickers left over from Halloween. At least I…
  • Daily Post: 11/03 Saturday Track: yes Calories: under Exercise: 1 mile incline walk and lower body strength training. Daily goal: Eat at least 3 servings of veggies and no sugar. I got in the veggies, but I also ate a cookie. I’ll aim for the same goal tomorrow. 🤨
  • username: kimsmi2018 weigh in day: Saturday October Week 5 PW: 215 CW: 216 😖 Gave in to the Halloween candy temptations. But I’m getting back on track next week.
  • username: kimsmi2018 October Week 4 PW: 215.8 CW: 215 😁 It’s a small loss, but I’m happy to still be moving in the right direction after a few hiccups last week. Sorry I forgot to post yesterday!
  • Username: kimsmi2018 Weigh in week: Oct Week 3 Weigh in day: Saturday Previous Week's weight: 218.0 Todays Weight: 215.8 😁
  • Daily post: October 15 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes (1 hour on treadmill, 25 minutes strength training) Goal: Get at least 6,000 steps - I got 11,435
  • Questions of the week: What do you do to get back on track when you have had a not so great week/two? 1. Remind myself that I don’t have to be perfect, I just need to be committed and consistent about recommitting to this lifestyle every single day...knowing that some days/weeks/months will be better than others. 2. Remind…
  • Daily post: October 14 Track: Yes Calories: over by 18 calories 😳 Exercise: kinda - jogged in place during commercials while watching tv for an hour. Goal: food prep for the week. I did some, but didn’t do all that I hoped to do. Either way, it’s still a step in the right direction.
  • Daily post: October 13 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes- 45 minutes lower body strength training, 35 minutes cardio (walking and rowing) Daily goal: At least 100 ounces of water (got 116!), at least 25% of calories from protein (did 26%!). Also glad to see the scale went down this week. 😁
  • Weigh-in kimsmi2018 Week 2 PW: 219.8 CW: 218
  • Daily post: October 12 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes- 50 minutes walking/jogging and 20 minutes lifting weights and squats Goal: exercise and no eating after 7 PM
  • Daily post: October 11 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: no Goal: more protein, fewer carbs. Still a work in progress.
  • Daily post: October 10 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes (strength training and walking) Goal: eat small portions every three hours to keep metabolism going. Dinner was heavier than it should have been. I’ll do a better job of spreading out my calories and getting more in earlier in the day.
  • Daily post: October 7 Track: Yes Calories: over Exercise: no, rest day Goal: 30-40% of calories from protein (achieved 23% - better than most days last week)
  • I just realized that my post from yesterday (my weigh-in day) didn’t show up for some reason. Weigh-in: Week one (10/6) PW: 219.6 CW: 219.8 Trying not to get discouraged since I thought I did pretty well last week and expected to see a loss. This week I’m going to place more emphasis on getting more protein and fewer…
  • Daily post: October 4 Tracked: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes - 15 minute walk during lunch and a 45 minute walk in the evening Goal: Hit my macros...still not there. I’m going to do some meal prepping this weekend so I can better control what I’m eating next week.
  • Daily post: October 3 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes - 50 minutes walking Daily goal: hit my macros (30% carbs, 30% fat, 40% protein). I did not achieve this goal. I only had 17% protein. I keep struggling with getting enough protein since I decided to mostly follow a vegetarian diet. I’ll keep working on finding…
  • Daily post: October 2 Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: Yes (dance workout video with my daughter for 40 minutes - fun!) Daily goal: at least 30 minutes of intentional exercise - accomplished in spite of getting only 4 hours of sleep last night. Now it’s off to sleep I go so I can get in 8 hours of sleep tonight. Thanks…
  • Daily post: October 1 Track: yes Calories: under Exercise: no 😞 Goals: intended to exercise for at least 30 minutes, but I let work and motherly duties get in the way. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Daily post: September 30 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: 70 minutes (20 minutes walk, 30 minute dance video, 20 minutes strength training) Goals/day: get in at least 6,000 steps in spite of feeling a bit tired from a busy weekend. At 7:00 PM I had less than 1,000 steps and decided to keep the promise I made to myself…
  • Hi team Flab-U-Less! I’m new to new that I initially posted this intro in the wrong place. 😜 But I think I’ve figured it out now. I’ve only been using MFP for a week and I’m excited to say that my first week went well. I tracked every day- food and exercise. I only went over my calorie goal one day and I lost…
  • Username: kimsmi2018 Weigh-in day: Saturday Starting weight: 219.6