KaraK03 Member


  • 10/2 15 mins Max Trainer... 215 calories burned (exhaustion) 2,065 calories Stayed under calorie net but have been trying to stay under without adding in the calories burned. Maybe today!
  • 10/1 Minutes of exercise: 15 mins max trainer Calories actual:2000 (not my goal but was hungry and Im not about deprivation because for me that equals binging! What did you do to reach toward your personal goal: worked out and intuitive eating. Today I am a little more on track with calories than yesterday!
  • @emsloses four kids in eight years is impressive! I don't know how you do it :o
  • Minutes of exercise per day: 15 min MaxTrainer 4+ days/week, lifting Bowflex 2+ days/week Daily calorie range: 1,900-2,000 (excluding calories burned through exercise) Personal daily goal: Consistency with calorie intake and workouts Starting measurement: 173 lbs (pregnant (3rd trimester) so I don't expect/nor want to lose…
  • I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for a few years now. I am currently pregnant (due early Jan 2019). This is my second pregnancy. First pregnancy I weighed 198lbs by the end (probably 10 lbs too many) and hoping to control my weight gain a little more this time around (I have very little self control when it comes…