Postpartum weight loss support

I have been with My fitness pal for about 4 years now and have had a lot of success in the past! This time around I am having starting all over! My story:

I just had my 4th (and final) baby boy on September 12th via c-section ( also my 4th). I have fluctuated a lot between my 4 pregnancies, but this final one has left me at my heaviest. I am currently 217lbs and 5ft 6in. Goal weight is 150 ( or less). Since this is my last pregnancy, I am more determined than ever to lose the weight and keep it off! Though it is a bit daunting to lose 67+lbs. I know I can do it with the right support! This is where you come in! Id love more like minded mfp friends, who are trying to recover from a pregnancy or just trying to get back in shape.
Feel free to add me! My diary is open, and though it may not always be the healthiest options, I am very honest!

Looking forward to meeting you, and supporting each other on our journeys!


  • KaraK03
    KaraK03 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for a few years now. I am currently pregnant (due early Jan 2019). This is my second pregnancy. First pregnancy I weighed 198lbs by the end (probably 10 lbs too many) and hoping to control my weight gain a little more this time around (I have very little self control when it comes to food, especially chocolate)! Hoping a group would keep me accountable and motivated.

    Goals: cardio (I currently am obsessed with the Bowflex MaxTrainer) 5+ days/week and lift 2+ days/week and eat healthier, more balanced meals (no more than two cookies/day!). Not a big deal if I don't meet my 185lb pregnancy total but seems like a pretty nice goal. Pre-baby weight of 155lbs but ultimate goal weight of 145-150lbs. 6' 1" tall currently weighing 174 lbs with 14 weeks until baby #2.

    Hoping to get some tips from others (and also sharing what I have learned) on healthy recipes, dinner ideas, and workout ideas (with a kid basically attached at the hip). Also looking for some ideas to raise children with a healthy relationship to food and keeping them active through life (don't want to screw this parenting thing up too terribly :D ).
  • ESMLoses
    ESMLoses Posts: 8 Member
    I had my fourth (and final) in August 2017, so she’s almost 14 months. My weight has been up and down, but was actually the lowest about a month after I gave birth to her. Here I am now, a year later and almost 20 pounds heavier! I’m tired of holding on to this extra weight, but I do have to cut myself a break-I’ve has four kids in 8 years, and life is chaotic. I’m ready to really commit to losing the weight, and I’d love any support!
  • KaraK03
    KaraK03 Posts: 5 Member
    @emsloses four kids in eight years is impressive! I don't know how you do it :o
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Congrats on the babies! My son is 19 and I've finally lost the baby weight! :D Down 47 pounds, 3 pounds to goal. Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm on here all the time.
  • patriotslover69
    patriotslover69 Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter is seven years old and I am still trying to lose the "Baby weight", ha-ha. I was lighter before working at a sedentary job, but now I am the heaviest I have ever been. With practice and patients I am hoping to lose some weight this year. I started my journey (again), on October 1st 2018. Here's hoping for success! You can add me as a friend and I will try to support you as best as I can! :smile:
  • ShumailAshraf
    ShumailAshraf Posts: 1 Member
    Well done to you ladies brave to have more than two kids. I am struggling to shift a mere 5kg - about 15 lbs. Stress and life cause me to turn to food for comfort. And I end up eating like the kids peanut butter on bread. Lots of bread. On paleo diet I did really well after the first baby but I am not ready to say bye to carbs this time. I'm 2.5 years pp. It's all around my belly. It's where I tend to gain. A friend has recommended progesterone. I'm exploring the benefits of it. In the meantime, eating healthy and exercising.
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    I sent you all messages and requests. I forgot to mention i have an open diary as well. I feel that it helps me stay more accountable. I also enjoy looking at my friends diaries for inspiration!
  • pinkkatmilk
    pinkkatmilk Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Amanda
    Going to send you a friends request
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    I have lost 38 pounds in 10 months. My 4th was born in 2014. Kids are 9, 7, 6, and 4. I have yo-yo’d a lot in the previous 3 years but decided this is it. This is the time I lose it all and don’t gain it back.
  • salinazamacona
    salinazamacona Posts: 5 Member
    I just had baby 2 in March he is now 6 month my oldest is 6 and so I feel a little depressed now lately I feel like I will never lose the weight but I just started the gym on Monday hoping to learn a lot from you mommies
  • unicornpickles
    unicornpickles Posts: 30 Member
    edited October 2018
    My baby is 14 months . I was 228 when she was born . Just started trying to lose the last 4 ish months , down to 185! I’m not sure where I’ll go to. I’ve been 135-175 my whole life probably 160 ish . I’m 5’6 and 40+ yrs old .
  • samanthaschultz727
    I just had my baby 9 days ago... I know I’m supposed to “take it easy” for 6 weeks but I’m going stir crazy. She was my 5th and last baby and I gained 40 freaking pounds during my pregnancy. I am now at 252 and desperate to feel comfortable in my own skin again. My other kids are 6, 5, 2 and 1 so supper time isn’t very healthy most of the time.. definitely need to find kid friendly recipes that are healthier. Chili cheese dogs tonight and I already regret it but I know they will eat it. Uggh.
  • stephB323
    stephB323 Posts: 43 Member
    just had my third and final baby 8 months ago.had two babies back to back so I've gained quit a bit of weight.looking to lose 80 lbs by next summer.fingers crossed.looking for friends as well.we seem to have similar situations.
  • samp03
    samp03 Posts: 1 Member
    6 weeks pp with first babe, I gained about 55lbs I'm 5'6. I did really good until about week 35 then ballooned with water weight my weight on day my water broke was 228. I'm currently around 198. I lost the first 30 in about 2 weeks all the water came off and now I'm struggling for anything else. Figured I finally got the go ahead after a C-section to get back to all my activities and start getting back to pre-baby always sit around 175 but would be nice to drop an extra 10. I should add I'm Breast feeding as well so not sure if anyone can offer insight on that. Feel free to follow I also have an open diary and have little will power (don't judge)😣😣😬