Never be embarrassed to modify. Youre still doing the moves just strengthening up to do them like the pros. Hang in there. Don't give up. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
Honestly Body Beast is my go to program. I have finished many BB programs but I have found I strive most when I am lifting versus other types of workouts. I stay consistent with my lifting.
I'm currently doing the Body Beast program (weight lifting). So my caloric consumption will be quite different than most people and will vary bc of my fibromyalgia depending on if I can do the workout for the day.
Just started my journey today. Hope to lose 30 in the next 6 months. ;-)
Hi my name is Leanne. I would be happy to lose about 130 pounds. I've done it before I can do it again. Anyone from the Midwest?
I would love to receive friend requests from anyone that is interested.
Hi! My name is Leanne. I've done Body Beast before. Then came my fibro diagnosis so I took a break. Now that my fibro is under control I am watching what I am eating and slowly starting the program again. I am 41 and currently weigh 280. I am hoping to lose weight and tone up again. I am from Indiana.