SusannahFlahertyFaber Member


  • So far so good! Didn't sleep too well last night and had a headache, but that's gone now. I made a huge canning kettle of veg soup today for when the fast is over. I had like 20 quarts for the freezer and about 4 more meals worth for my daughter and grandson to enjoy over the next few days. I've listened to so many WFPB…
  • "May 15, 2021 2:41PM Hi Susannah! Welcome to the group. I also have joint pain and arthritis as I am aging, although not RA and really feel for you coping with that. One of our members, Magic (who hasn't been around lately) has said that eating WFPB and avoiding sugar really helped her arthritis. Wow, 21 day fast is…
  • Hey all! Yesterday I started a 21 day water fast! I'm 2 months in to my WFPB lifestyle change and felt it was time. So far, I've found that eating any kind of sugary foods (vegan) makes me wake up the next morning with super achey joints. That's happened twice over the past 2 months as I ate something sugary and paid for…
  • Hi all! I'm Susannah from Nashville, Tennessee! A little over a month ago I became WFPB because of excruciating pain from RA. I can say it's helped, but I'm far from where I want to be. I never thought I'd cut animal products out of my life; we have a farm and humanely raise our animals organic/non-gmo, and have been…
  • Here's a link for ya! Hope it's what you need!