Active April



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Busy day planned today... hair appt early then on to the office for a while, but I have a lot of files to work on here so will probably not stay long. I got things set up yesterday to do some cooking today. Will be making this: which should last several days. I have made it a few times and it's very good, just leave out the oil. Also going to make a big stir-fry of mixed mushrooms, green onions, bok choy, peppers, carrots.

    Carla, hope the power washing project went better this time around. I will have to try the kale salad.

    I better get moving. I haven't colored my hair since fall of 2019 and I'm okay with it. There was still a touch of color on the ends last time I got it cut, but it should all be gone after this trim. I may color it again someday, but so far I seem to be fine with the abundance of gray in my hair.

    Plan today...
    B - oats with mixed berries and chia seeds
    L - big ol' salad, apple
    D - golden french lentil stew, melon
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    How did your hair turn out, Mihani?

    I mowed they yard on Saturday, but it was very windy and I ended up leaving a coating of grass all over the bathroom floor once I came in and brushed my hair. I had about half a cup of grass in my bra, too! Yesterday's power washing went better than the first attempt. I'm about halfway through.

    Still enjoying my millet breakfast. I started cooking the millet, banana, almond milk and dates without the blueberries and I've been cooking the berries on the stovetop and making them into a sauce for the porridge. It is like dessert!

    Our peas, some greens, and our bok choy all sprouted this weekend with the nice weather. It is supposed to be in the mid to high 60s and sunny all week.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    LOL... that's a lot of wind, Carla! Hair looks good, but after it was cut I was watching my hair gal sweep up and wondering where all that gray hair on the floor came from. Then realized oh... yeah that's mine. Yay for veggies sprouting in the garden!

    I have been soooo stressed at work that I really haven't felt like eating, which is both good and bad. I'm usually really hungry for lunch but other than that not so much. Going to head up to my desk to work some more as soon as I have checked in here and had my salad. Will be sure to take some meditation and yoga time this evening too.

    Oh, and I just couldn't face a week without broccoli so I stopped at the store yesterday and got a big bag of the pre-washed florets. Roasted those when I got home and I'm content now.

    B - roasted broccoli (yes really for breakfast!)
    L - lentil stew, cantaloupe and blueberries, 2 walnut halves
    D - big ol' salad, maybe an apple or more cantaloupe

    I forgot to make salad dressing this weekend and not into it now so I'll just use my fallback mixture of bragg's and dijon. Tasty and easy. I sprinkle some nooch on my salads sometimes which helps the dressing stick.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Too funny about the hair on the floor and having to pick up more broccoli! Hope you manage to fit in the yoga and meditation and that it helps! Since COVID hit I haven't gone to the hairdresser (even a long time before that). I finally bought some hair cutting scissors and started trimming it myself. I'm sure I'm not doing as good of a job as a hairdresser would do, but it looks a lot better after my efforts.

    I'm feeling ambitious this morning so I'm going to mow around the inner perimeter of our fence line. The guy that mows our field for hay only ends up doing it once a year, and it isn't until so late in the summer that we can't walk our field for months. This is going to be a combo of ride-on luxury and lots of grunt work with a cheap push mower in the hilly and uneven areas. It is breezy outside so this time I'm going to brush my hair and dump my bra outside rather than in the bathroom!

    Last night we had the sushi bowl for dinner. We use up more than half of the cabbage in one meal between the two of us, but there is enough left to have the rest for lunch today. I do a crispy chinese tofu in the air fryer (without oil) and it turns out so good. It goes with everything, including the sushi bowl.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    edited April 2021
    Oh Carla, I think I want an air fryer but have been hesitant because I have so many gadgets. I will see if I start using more of my gadgets once the kitchen is done and then decide. It was such a pain to use anything when I didn't have much counter space. Yay for getting the mowing done. This was my third trip to my hairdresser since Covid hit, but I don't do color anymore just a cut. I want to support my gal though. She's awesome and I have been going to her for years. She "gets" my hair which is thick and curly but fine, and everyone in my past has butchered my hair! LOL

    B - nope
    L - glowing french lentil stew, cantaloupe and blueberries
    D - roasted broccoli and ezekiel toast

    I didn't get in my raw veggies today. I just wasn't feeling it. I will make up for it tomorrow!
  • SusannahFlahertyFaber
    SusannahFlahertyFaber Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hi all!

    I'm Susannah from Nashville, Tennessee! A little over a month ago I became WFPB because of excruciating pain from RA. I can say it's helped, but I'm far from where I want to be. I never thought I'd cut animal products out of my life; we have a farm and humanely raise our animals organic/non-gmo, and have been eating organic for decades. The pain, and Game Changers, was a game changer for me! Now, my whole family is becoming WFPB with me.

    I've been loving learning new recipes and enjoy Jill Dalton's WFPB Cooking Show on YouTube. I bought her cookbook which is really helpful! TheLazyVegan is pretty cool too!

    I'm originally from California, so it's good to know Dr. McDougall and Dr. Anthony Lim are there. I found Dr. Swank 13 years ago when my oldest daughter was diagnosed with MS; she's been following that diet ever since. I'm very pleased to know McDougall has continued Swank's work. We hope to visit his clinic sometime in the near future.

    That's a little about me. I hope to get to know y'all better in the coming years!

    God bless!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Welcome Susannah! Wow, that is really amazing how WFPB is working with the health issues in your family. I've only visited Nashville once and didn't catch any shows but it was such a friendly fun place. Of course that was probably 25 years ago but I sure hope it is still the same. Magic is a big fan of Jill Dalton, but she hasn't been posting often lately.

    B - a little cantaloupe
    L - the last of the French lentil stew, cantaloupe and blueberries, a few walnut halves
    D - stir-fry (mushrooms, green onions, carrots, napa cabbage, collards and chard, cauliflower) brown rice, salad (just lettuce and radishes and a sprinkle of sunflower seeds with braggs/dijon)

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Oh, and Susannah have to add, your salad is beautiful. I wanted to grab a fork and dive in! LOL
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Susannah, welcome to the group! Your farm sounds lovely. I hope that eating WFBP continues to make you feel better. My family has owned and run deli/butcher shops going back 4 or 5 generations, first in Europe and now in Canada with my brother and father, so me eating this way is also a bit of a surprise, especially to them!

    Traci, I ate that cantaloupe finally and had I known how good it was going to be, it would have been gone the day it came in the door! Just amazing. I have 2 more on my grocery list for our next shop.

    Every day around here is starting to sound/feel like groundhog day! Once again, we cleared blackberry bushes, added to the burn pile, and I did some more mowing. I now have a mown path going around 90% of our fencing. The remaining 10% will probably take 90% of the time to mow as it is all steep and rough, requiring the push mower.

    I have a colonoscopy coming up next Thursday. I'm dreading it. The instructions say no nuts, seeds, popcorn or small grains for the week leading up to the appointment. Hmm, but that's what I eat! I asked the clinic if I can have oatmeal and beans, the reply was 'no small grains' and beans are okay. But everywhere online says avoid fiber. Do they know that beans are fiber? Is oatmeal a small grain? What the heck am I going to have for breakfast this morning? Reading online most clinics say basically go on a low fiber diet for the week. What does that leave me with? I'm serious. Any suggestions guys? So far on my list I have cashew yogurt and cantaloupe.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Okay, I figured out what to eat for the next week. On the last day I have the choice of fasting or having 2 eggs, white bread and 1/2 cup lowfat yogurt. So, I'm going to have the eggs meal plan. I really don't want to eat nothing all day and then nothing the next day until after my 2 pm appointment. That's like a guaranteed headache for me. For the rest of the week I'm going with cashew yogurt and cantaloupe for breakfast, and miso soup with mushrooms and a side of white bread (!!) for lunches. I haven't had white bread in years. I don't even like it anymore. Dinners will be white pasta (again, years) with tomato sauce and some mushrooms & onions, and a white macaroni with fake cheese, and plant burgers with white buns. I'm also going to juice a ton of greens with carrot, apple, ginger and mint to make up for the sad diet. Wish me luck!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Oh my Carla... who knew eating junky food was part of the prep for a colonoscopy! Good grief. I'm with you... white breads just taste blah to me. I mostly eat sprouted grain bread now too, so even regular whole grain bread isn't as appealing as it used to be. It's cool that our tastes do honestly change over time though.

    I actually bought a package of vegan chocolate chip cookies last weekend, because I just really really wanted a cookie! They are at least no oil and whole wheat flour. I ate two and enjoyed them, and have had no cravings or desire for one since. It feels like sanity has finally taken over my eating/appetite. Weird! I was thinking I should probably freeze the rest because they are going to get stale before I eat them. I have always liked healthy food, but I also really like junky vegan things like chik'n tenders or pizzas. Lately when I have those things I find myself thinking they aren't really that good and wish I had made a lentil taco or stir-fry or a homemade pita pizza. It has taken years, seriously, to get to this point.

    With you on cantaloupe. I really hope this is a sign and melons of all sorts are going to be amazing this year. I went through another cantaloupe and a whole container of blueberries between Sunday and yesterday, and will be cutting into a honeydew tonight!

    B - some leftover broccoli
    L - a couple cups of lettuce topped with diced apple, black pepper and a sprinkle of balsamic... really tasted good! Some pistachios.
    D - leftover stir-fry veggies and brown rice, honeydew melon

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Today I hauled more blackberry branches to the burn pile. The pile is about as big as I dare go, so if we don't have much wind, we'll burn tomorrow. Joe finished off the last of the push mowing down the driveway. That's always a great workout.

    Other than that, continuing to learn Adobe Illustrator and enjoying the breeze blowing through the house, with the temp outside in the low to mid 70s today.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Whew, lots of work Carla. Definitely great exercise! How is your Illustrator going? I am so envious of people who are artistically talented. I'm just not. Like at all. I went to one of those wine and canvas things a couple years ago and one of the women who was going around helping noticed my frustration and said... you're a perfectionist aren't you? I said yeah, and she said perfectionism isn't art. I like the concept, but I hated my painting. I actually threw it away. LOL

    I made it through the week and I sure hope things settle down just a little with work for a few weeks. I brought home tons to do this weekend but at least i can work at home.

    B - honeydew melon
    L - leftover stir-fry and brown rice
    D - pita pizza

    I admit I got into the pretzels at the office today. First time in weeks! Just a few though. I didn't eat much dinner last night and I was weirdly hungry this morning. Should have just eaten my lunch at 10:00 when I got hungry. I remember reading that Dr. Fuhrman said he doesn't snack. If he is truly hungry he just has a meal.

    I am also indulging in a glass of wine tonight. Back to totally WFPB tomorrow!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Good morning! I just made a pot of steel cut oats for the weekend. I am going to have a bowl of that topped with honeydew and blueberries, chia seeds and a few walnut halves, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. The honeydew is really good. I'm so happy that it appears it is going to be a good summer for melons. I have been eating a lot of cantaloupe the past couple weeks. Those who have been around for a while know my obsession with watermelon in the summer.

    Tomorrow will be cooking day. I have broccoli to roast (of course!) plus greens to cook up with onions and mushrooms. Salads this week will be lettuce, purple cabbage, radishes, carrots, zucchini. Will make unhoney mustard dressing. I am also going to make a batch of cheezy chickpeas.

    I am going to work at upping my bean consumption this week. Wish I could find my food processor so I could make a batch of homemade no oil hummus, but the cheezy chickpeas will be good for dinners this week, and I will make a pot of lentils to add to my salads.
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi everyone 🍄
    I've been keeping up with all the posts... I've just been to lazy to type...workouts have been good along with my menu's. My husband and I got our first shot (Moderna) yesterday, so far so good.. My mom has 2 doctors appointments this week, one will be for her second shot, and the other to work on finally getting her UTI to go away...
    Have a great weekend everyone, looking forward to reading what's new with everyone 😊
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    edited April 2021
    Mihani, I am missing my morning millet! Jealous of your steel cut oats. I'm on my 2nd cantaloupe and I will have to try some honeydew next weekend.

    Hawksgirl, grats on the first vaccine. I also got my first shot of Moderna a few weeks back and my husband is getting his first today.

    Yesterday we burned our latest pile of blackberry trimmings and branches. I didn't do anything else in the yard because my back was getting too sore from the previous work. If there's time today I might tackle an area I've had my eye on for a bit that needs trimming and leveling so that I can use the ride on to maintain it.

    This morning Joe and I are driving to a farmer's pop-up sale to pick up a bunch of starts for the garden. We planted seeds as well, but these will be much further along. We're putting up a greenhouse, but we didn't finish with the foundation for it yet, so we didn't have the chance to plant seeds early. I'm not sure what all we're getting but I'm guessing a lot of our day will be spent gardening.

    I'm going to try to fit in juicing today as well to get some fiber-free nutrients in this coming week.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Howdy, and happy Sunday!
    It has been a long busy day, and I am a bit wonky-tired. I did not sleep well last night and was up early. I have an elderly car that gets hungry at 4 or 5 AM and do not always get back to sleep after that.

    Hurray to all the vaccination news! My husband and I took a long drive to get an appointment, as slots here in the city have been booked up, but out in rural Texas, there were plenty of openings.

    Hawksgirl. I hope your mom is improving.

    Carla, I am envious of your gardening. I did a bunch of yard work today, but no actual gardening. I filled 5 big bags with yard waste. Most of that was a rosemary bush that died in the big freeze. I am about to go shower, as I still smell like rosemary.

    Decent food day today, though not perfect. Breakfast and lunch were fine -- beans, greens, veggies & fruit. We got busy on yard work, so I had fruit and a couple of small high protein vegan bars for dinner and then got back to work! Back to salad tomorrow. On the plus side, my fitness gadget said I burned 750 calories doing yard work!

    Food tomorrow will be the usual Dr F 6-week menu, with a beans-and-greens meal, a fruit and nut snack, and a salad meal. My other big job tomorrow is shopping & food prep!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    hawksgirl, hope your mom's doctor can get her fixed up! UTIs can be tough to get rid of.

    Carla, I am looking forward to a little gardening this year. I have a friend who does landscaping and he has been working at getting the yard cleaned up. Removing old overgrown shrubs, clearing weeds from the flowerbeds, etc. I used to have a ton of perennials planted in the back but the dogs trampled and killed them all years ago. Now that I only have one dog I will try planting some new ones and hope that he isn't able to destroy them, or at least not all of them. I want to put a bunch of perennials out front as well, along with some annuals.

    Austin, I realized you meant cat and not car in your post, but it gave me a chuckle this morning, thinking of you having to get up at 4 a.m. to put some oil in your hungry car. Wow, that's a lot of yardwork!

    I did a lot of sleeping and working this weekend. I was just worn out and kept going back to bed throughout the weekend to sleep for an hour or two. I feel good this morning and ready to face another busy week.

    Plan for today...
    B - last of the steel cut oats with fruit and chia seeds (will have later at the office
    L - roasted broccoli, an apple with a smidge of PB
    D - big ol salad, sauteed greens/onions/mushrooms, honeydew
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Austin, I love the smell of rosemary! Strangely, the Rosemary essential oil I have doesn't smell the same (still a nice fragrance). We have a big section of oregano that is out of control but it is nowhere near 5 bags worth! I have an elderly cat too, but luckily for us she doesn't usually get persistent until 6am. It's a good backup alarm system since we try to be out of bed by then anyway.

    Mihani, it is always nice to add some new plants to the yard. Fingers crossed for you that they get along with your dog this time around!

    Yesterday I spend about 2.5 hours mowing everything that can be mowed with the ride-on. I started early and I'm glad I did. It was pretty warm in the afternoon and I'm a fan of shade. I applied sunscreen just before going out so when I came back in I was breaded in green clippings.

    My food is still not optimal and won't be until Friday after the procedure. I'm really looking forward to millet for breakfast and a nice veggie stir fry with cashews and tofu for dinner.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Carla, nice to get so many chores done! Isn't it funny how we start to crave the healthy goodies after a while? I had bought some vegan cookies a week or more ago, think I mentioned. Ate two of them and enjoyed them, but was thinking yeah, a big bowl of fruit would have tasted even better. Glad I am getting to this point. It has taken years and I still slide into bad habits now and again.

    It was a crazy day... secretary off sick from her second covid shot. I am pretty well resigned that I will have a day off next week to recover from my second shot. I hope not, but it seems to be the norm. I am planning to go into the office at least one day this weekend.

    Progress is being made on my kitchen finally! The new dishwasher has arrived after a long delay, just needs to be installed. Backsplash and window trim are done, and the painting of the main floor is done although I see a number of places that are going to need a bit of touch up.

    B - nope
    L - big ol' salad, a couple wasa crackers
    D - leftover greens/beans/mushrooms with brown rice, honeydew