Thanks guys I'll check that out :)
Hey BV1980 I haven't read what everyone else has wrote so sorry if there's some repetition. You probably don't want to hear it but I hope you read this... You are not alone and you're not a loser. There is such a thing as looking too hard and believe me I should know. I spent many years in a bad relationship with someone…
I didn't read all the other comments sorry, not enough time in the day lol. One thing I will say is that your goal is to lose weight right? Well if you're setting yourself a goal that you're struggling with shouldn't you step back a bit with something more achievable? Afterall a step in the right direction is better than…
I really don't think going to the gym will benefit you. You don't sound keen on it which may mean you'll give up. I personally hate the gym myself, it's boring and I personally feel self conscious. I am exercising though but I'm finding more fun things to do. If you have a Wii or Xbox or PlayStation there are fitness games…