leslilpitchford Member


  • 3 doses in today. Happy/excited to report that I have had no negative symptoms. I have noticed NO preoccupation with ANY foods - THANK GOD!! I haven't been hungry at all. I do feel tired - didn't sleep well first night - but not ready to contribute that as an effect of this medicine. I've been working overtime for quite a…
  • I just started taking Saxenda 3 doses ago. I am logging my food. I have tried virtually every other thing out there. None of them seem to address MY issue. I eat when I am not hungry and the cravings were always there - so, those other options didn't really work for me because they took away my hunger. What do you do when…
  • I am starting Saxenda today. I am hoping for the best. I have been on Contrave and Belviq. Not much luck at all - less with the Belviq. I understand that I eat even though I am not hungry. I even eat sometimes when I am full. I am about 3yr post op with the gastric sleeve. I lost about 80# but had started gaining some back…